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Sunday Jan. 8th, doors open 1pm. 2pm

The Great Squeeze, An award winning film on sustainability  (http://www.thegreatsqueeze.com/ ) Our dependence on cheap and abundant fossil fuels has been feeding the engine of our economic system for the past 200 years. Although it has lifted modern civilizations to new heights, prosperity has come at a tremendous price. We are now at a point where humanity’s demands for natural resources far exceed the earth’s capacity to sustain us. The extraction and the consumption of these resources in the past two centuries have changed our climate and ecosystems so significantly, that a new geological era had to be created. These man-made threats become even more ominous when you look at them together as part of a global trend. The film then goes back in time and takes us on a journey through history when past civilizations made the same mistake of growing too fast, depleting their natural resources and ultimately collapsing. Instead of the usual band-aid approaches, The Great Squeeze challenges us to learn from history and transition towards a more sustainable economy that values our environment. Our current paradigm of unending economic growth has become a threat to our prosperity and the long-term viability of humans on this planet. The film is a call to action and gives us a framework for the changes that must take place. We are faced with great challenges, but unlike the rest of the living world, we have the unique ability to adapt and decide our fate and the fate of most of the biosphere, for better or worse, in order to survive the human project. Released in March 2009, The Great Squeeze was selected at 14 film festivals around the world and won two awards for best documentary.

68 min 4pm (three 30 min films):
Fish Key West (1989)
Dive Key West (1989)
Sink the Vandenberg 2010

Fish Key West : (1989 // 30 min), Dive Key West (1989 // 30 min),  Fish Key West and Dive Key West are each 30 minute travel videos produced in 1989. Local fishermen and divers will recognize many of the sites as well as recognizing many changes to those sites, a example of an ever shifting baseline.

Dive Key West visits Joes Tug (before it was torn in half by Hurricane Georges in 1989) and the Cayman Salvor.

After a short discussion of the 1989 travel videos we jump forward in time visit the Vandenberg : Sink the Vandenberg , WPBT Changing Seas: Episode 204. original air date June 22nd 2010 In the turquoise blue waters of the Florida Keys, a new attraction is drawing scuba divers from around the world: The USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg. The Vandenberg is the world’s second largest intentionally sunk shipwreck. Prior to being sunk, this mighty ship transported troops to the battlefields of World War II, carried European refugees to distant shores, and later helped win the Cold War. Left abandoned for years as part of a ghost fleet, the Vandenberg has at last found her final resting place – seven miles off Key West, in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. In her last mission as an artificial reef, this massive ship is already attracting a variety of fish and other marine life. Now, natural resources managers are trying to determine what impact this artificial reef has on fish populations and the health of the surrounding natural reefs.
For more information: http://www.sanctuaryfriends.org/