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By KEVIN WADLOW. Florida Keys Keynoter
Saturday, July 09, 2011 10:53 AM EDT
hammerhead Hammerhead sharks are beautiful creatures — but you wouldn’t want to be in the water.

Save the sharks, Florida residents said at a series of statewide workshops on protecting species of tiger and hammerhead sharks.

“The whole ‘Jaws’ mentality about sharks definitely seems to be a thing of the past,” said biologist Aaron Podey of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

The FWC held six sessions — including a June 22 meeting in Key West — to take comments on adding tiger sharks and great hammerheads, smooth hammerheads and scalloped hammerheads to the list of sharks prohibited to harvest in Florida state waters. About 22 shark species already are on the list, with lemon sharks added last year.

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