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April 13, 2012. NOAA

Threatened staghorn coral. Photo: NOAA

As part of our ongoing process to evaluate 82 species of coral from the Caribbean and Pacific for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), NOAA is inviting public review of two reports, a scientific Status Review Report and a draft Management Report. Our review of these 82 species of corals has been the most complex ESA listing process NOAA Fisheries has ever undertaken. NOAA will use the additional input to ensure that the best scientific information available will be considered as we develop our 12-month finding. Please note that releasing these documents is not a part of the normal rulemaking process – it is an engagement process that allows us to be transparent and open in our decision making. Should NOAA Fisheries determine that a listing is warranted, we will publish a proposed rule in December 2012 for additional public comment.

Important Dates

The public review process began on April 13, 2012, and ends on July 31, 2012.  Instructions on how to submit comments and/or information is listed to the right.

What Additional Information is NOAA Interested In?

We are particularly interested in receiving information on the following:

  • Relevant scientific information collected or produced since the completion of the Status Review Report in 2011, or any relevant scientific information not included in the Report.
  • Relevant management information not included in the draft Management Report.

Engagement Opportunities

As part of this review, NOAA is hosting two regional public listening sessions and two scientific workshops focused on corals this summer. Information about the regional listening sessions and scientific workshops can be found in the box below and via the Federal Register Notice.

Listening Sessions

June 25, 2012: 6–9 p.m.; Pagoda Hotel; 1525 Rycroft Street; Honolulu, HI; telephone: (808) 941–6611.

June 28, 2012: 4–7 p.m.; Nova Southeastern University, Oceanographic Center, Center of Excellence in Coral Reef Ecosystems Science, 8000 North Ocean Drive; Dania Beach, FL; telephone: (954) 262–3600.

Science Workshops

June 18, 2012: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.; East-West Center; Jefferson Hall (Imin Conference Center), University of Hawaii campus, 1601 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI; telephone: (808) 983–5303.

June 27, 2012: 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.; Nova Southeastern University, Oceanographic Center, Center of Excellence in Coral Reef Ecosystems Science, 8000 North Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, FL; telephone: (954) 262–3600.

For additional information, please see the Federal Register Notice.

How to Submit Comments

You may submit comments on the Status Review Report and the draft Management Report and/or additional papers, reports, and information by any of the following methods. If possible, comments should be grouped according to the heading of the relevant section of the reports.

  • Electronic Submission— submit all electronic information via electronic mail to:
    [email protected]
  • Mail—submit written comments to:
    Regulatory Branch Chief
    Protected Resources Division
    Attn: 82 coal species
    National Marine Fisheries Service
    Pacific Islands Regional Office
    1601 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1110
    Honolulu, HI  96814
    – or –
    Assistant Regional Administrator for
    Protected Resources
    Attn: 82 coral species
    National Marine Fisheries Service
    Southeast Regional Office
    263 13th Avenue South
    St. Petersburg, FL  33701
  • Fax—808-973-2941; Attn: Protected Resources Regulatory Branch Chief, or 727-824-5309; Attn: Assistant Regional Administrator for Protected Resources