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TALLAHASSEE – The Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Acquisition and Restoration Council are holding two open house event to allow the public to comment on how Florida Forever projects should be prioritized. The Department and the Council develop an annual ranking of statewide land acquisition projects to prioritize the distribution of funds. The ranking is under review and includes more than 100 projects on the Florida Forever priority list, as well as the new Florida Forever proposals.

The meetings are scheduled for:

     9 a.m. Oct. 11

Department of Environmental Protection

3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Conference Room A


6 p.m. Nov. 5

Archbold Biological Station

123 Main Dr.


Those unable to attend the public hearing are invited to provide their comments in writing via email to [email protected] or via US mail to Mr. Jim Farr, ARC Staff Director, Division of State Lands, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS 140, Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000. For more information about the ARC and current Florida Forever projects, please visit   http://www.dep.state.fl.us/lands/arc.htm.