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We petition the obama administration to: We, the people, demand the President of the United States and it's legislative body recognize Climate Change as great and Grave a threat to this nation as they would any other aggressive enemy. We demand that the President and Congress act against Climate Change as they have acted against Saddam Husein, Bin Laden, and Hitler for that matter. We demand a National Energy Policy that quickly begins to ween us off of Carbon Based fuels and expedites the inevitable and necessary transition to Clean Energy. We demand that our leaders act on the recommendations coming from an overwhelming majority of the scientific community to halt Climate Change and save the lives of untold millions.

Sign the petition at https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/declare-war-climate-change-we-demand-president-obama-and-congress-accept-climate-change-enemy-people/WxsynJ0Y?utm_source=wh.gov&utm_medium=shorturl&utm_campaign=shorturl

creator: Mark R New York, NY

January 13, 2013