Citizens’ Clean Water Summit – November 16, 2013
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
University of Central Florida – Fairwinds Alumni Center
12676 Gemini Blvd. North, Orlando, FL 32816
Here is the idea: Bring representatives of the many water quality advocacy organizations from around the state together in one place for a day of planning.
We aim to get leaders, like you, from each of 150 different organizations to accomplish the following:
o Build solidarity between the state’s independent regional water movements
o Create a framework for continued collaboration and mobilization
o Plan a progression of concerted activities to bring the full force of the clean water movement directly to decision makers
The ultimate goal: Send summit attendees back to their respective organizations with the tools and contacts to organize coordinated regional and statewide action.
The Citizens’ Clean Water Summit is a collaborative effort – the Planning Team, growing every day, is comprised of activists from Sierra Club, St. Johns Riverkeeper, Florida Wildlife Federation, Center for Earth Jurisprudence, IDEAS for Us, Conservancy of Southwest Florida, Earthjustice, Mother Ocean, Clean Water Action, Florida Defenders of the Environment, Howard T. Odum Florida Springs Institute Inc., Indian Riverkeeper, League of Women Voters of Florida, Marine Resources Council, Pelican Island Audubon Society, Putnam County Environmental Council, REEF RELIEF, Wakulla Springs Alliance, Marine Cleanup Initiative, Inc., Save the Manatee Club and more.
Please don’t miss this opportunity – we need your group’s participation!
You must pre-register link in order to attend:
DEADLINE to register: Close of business on 11/7/13.
For more info contact:
$10 includes lunch and admission to the event. Seats are limited so reserve now!
Parking is free at parking garage H (adjacent to the Alumni Center). View parking map at
Coffee, tea and networking will begin at 8:30 a.m.