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Floridians’ Clean Water Declaration Campaign – JOIN US!


The Floridians’ Clean Water Declaration is a positive vision to inspire people to work together to create a new water ethic, find solutions to Florida’s water quality and quantity problems and send a clear message to our water managers that the people of Florida demand clean water.

From North Florida’s renowned freshwater springs to South Florida’s Everglades and coral reefs, our state is blessed with countless watery wonders. Today many of these wonders are dying – either choked by pollution and toxic algae or drying up because of over-consumption of water, or both. We know the problems that are facing our waters and we know that the longer we wait to fix these problems, the more expensive the fixes will be. Now is the time to act because we, our children, and our grandchildren deserve better.

The Floridians’ Clean Water Declaration Campaign is a collaborative effort driven by dozens of civic and environmental organizations from around the state. We are coming together to create a force for change – a change in the water policies of the state of Florida. By sharing ideas and resources across stakeholder lines and watersheds, we will be stronger – stronger together to command our right to clean water.

The Floridians' Clean Water Declaration is the “bottom line” for protecting Florida’s waters, wildlife and the health and livelihoods of Floridians. By gathering as many signatures as possible, we can demonstrate to our water managers that all Floridians – individuals, businesses, organizations, and elected officials – want clean water.

If you want clean water to drink… if you value the waters that have made Florida world famous… if you want to support the many businesses that depend on clean water, then join us – sign the Declaration!  Add your name

Learn more at http://www.wewantcleanwater.com/