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The Beneath the Waves – Youth Making Ripples Film Competition – is an opportunity  for K-12 students (< 18 years of age) to use their creative talents and serve as a voice for our oceans. We encourage elementary, middle and high school students to create their own marine related film on a topic of their interest. All submission must be less than 5 minutes. The message of your film can focus on an interesting marine topic, a specific marine related problem or issue, or a call to action for conservation.

The Youth Making Ripples Competition student films debuted to the public on January 18th 2014. The competition was held on Florida Institute of Technology’s main campus in the Gleason Performing arts center (6-8 pm). Winners were selected by both 1) panel of scientific judges and 2) viewer’s choice award. We awarded many prizes to the winners!

Check out our call for submissions for 2015 here.