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Published April 12, 2013 10:28 AM

With our planet’s coral reefs in danger of extinction by 2050, why is the U.S. Government mining healthy reefs to use as building filler?

Petitioners are calling for the U.S. Government to halt excavation of the healthy coral reefs that surround the Marshall Islands. Coral mining is taking place to provide building filler for the expansion of the Imata Kabua International Airport on Majuro.

Led by marine ecologist, Dr Dean Jacobson, those opposing the excavation say there are more environmentally-friendly options available to the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Sections of this precious reef remain untouched for now. There is still time to act. Read more

The result of coral mining, a 'borrow pit'; nothing remains of the living reef.

The result of coral mining, a ‘borrow pit’; nothing remains of the living reef.


The Marshall Islands’ beautiful coral reefs are vibrant ecosystems.