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From a posting by Ocean River Institute, Inc.

Big Victory For Dolphins in Florida: State Government and Out-of-State Fertilizer Companies Efforts To Pass Harmful Fertilizer Bills Denied

On May 7th the Florida Senate struck down SB 606. This means HB457 and SB606 will not be headed to the Governor’s desk. A far less controversial provision was passed to prevent counties from enacting sales bans, only the State can do this. Existing bans will stay in place. This was a huge defeat of big fertilizer companies, who had lobbied state legislators to undo local government fertilizer ordinances so they could sell their cheaply made, nutrient rich, harmful fertilizers. Big out-of-state companies, including Scotts, had created their own PAC with Florida Fertilizer in their name, to pose as an in-state committee. Contributors from 13 states and Canada were funding them. The only thing local about their PAC was their P.O. Boxes in Florida. Thanks to your efforts in concert with those of locals across the state, Indian River Lagoon county commissioners can make their waters healthier for the dolphins. Floridians do not want these fertilizers that poison their waterways and trigger toxic algal blooms, red tides, fish kills and dolphin die-offs!