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By: David Royse News Service of Florida | Posted: September 1, 2011 3:55 2
A Tampa Democrat has filed a Senate version of a proposed constitutional amendment to ban oil drilling within about 10 miles of Florida’s coastline.

The proposed amendment (SJR 90), filed Tuesday by Sen. Arthenia Joyner, matches a House version (HJR 23) filed earlier this year by Rep. Rick Kriseman, D-St. Petersburg. It would ask voters to put into the Constitution a ban on exploration, drilling, extraction or production of oil in Florida waters.

“There are people still suffering from the big spill,” Joyner said Wednesday. “Do you want to expose Florida to the possibility of another spill – but closer to our shore? I just can’t believe people want to bring it that close, after seeing what happens when it’s farther out.

“To open up our shoreline to the possibility of oil is ludicrous,” Joyner said. Read the full article