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Coral Reefs support the activities of an estimated 500 million people globally.Yet, in the Caribbean and Florida Keys more than 75% of the reefs are considered threatened, with more than 30% in the high and very high threat categories.
Read the new Reefs at Risk Revisited Report here

Coral reefs around the world are experiencing severe decline due to multiple impacts: over fishing and habitat loss, water quality decline from pollution, coastal development, global climate change, and physical impacts such as anchoring, diver/snorkeler interaction, boat groundings, and marine debris

April marks our 24th Anniversary!!!
We continue our dedication to improve and protect our coral reef ecosystem and our programs focus on rigorous science to educate the public & advocate policymakers to achieve conservation, protection, and restoration of coral reefs.

Become a member today to support Reef Relief’s essential programs

Learn more about Reef Relief’s programs

The majority of the funding that makes our programs successful comes from the generous support of our members.  Please take 2 minutes today to become a member of Reef Relief. To help, click on the reef photo above.

Florida Oceans Day 2011

Reef Relief was well represented at Florida Oceans Day 2011 held in Tallahassee state capitol last Tuesday, March 22nd. Policy and Projects Director Paul Johnson, pictured left at the Reef Relief table with Billy Causey, Southeast Regional Director of the National Marine Sanctuary, on the 3rd Floor Rotunda. “Coral Reefs are one of our signature ecosystems of importance to the state”, said Paul Johnson. “Oceans Day is a great opportunity to show them off to all our state legislators and the many visitors of the state Capitol while they are in session”. Reef Relief was joined by marine and coastal organizations from around the state, including the Florida Ocean Alliance, Mote Marine Laboratory, Florida Coastal and Oceans Coalition (which Reef Relief is a Steering Committee member of), Florida Institute of Oceanography, Florida Sea Grant , Gulf of Mexico Alliance, and many others to bring recognition and focus on the environmental and economic importance of our state’s Coastal and Ocean community.
National Week of the Ocean is April 3-9
Get Involved today to Protect our Ocean
As the1 year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster approaches please urge Congress to address the systemic failures in government oversight and industry management that lead to this tragedy. Urge your Senators and Representatives to implement the recommendations of the President’s bipartisan Commission to reform offshore oil and gas drilling.
 Recognition of the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission and Staff, and the Volunteers in the Rescue and Release of Cold Stunned Seaturtles
In cooperation with the Sea Turtle Conservancy, Reef Relief Policy and Programs Director Paul G. Johnson presented a resolution in recognition and praise to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, it’s staff and volunteers in the rescue and release of cold stunned sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico last January.
In January of 2010, following unprecedented below freezing temperatures for an extended period of time in Florida, over 1,700 sea turtles were cold stunned and had to be removed from St. Joseph Bay, resulting in mortality and an unprecedented volunteer rescue and rehabilitation effort. As a result of lessons learned in the 2010 event, the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission staff stocked up on supplies, improved communication, training and transportation protocols and a plan among volunteers and partner organizations, and were generally on the lookout for sea turtles in trouble before they were reported, so when water temperatures dropped into the 40’s in January 2011, FWCC was ready.
As result of these efforts, 342 cold-stunned sea turtles, the majority being green turtles, were released into the Gulf of Mexico on January 19, 2011, and an additional 25 Kemp’s Ridleys, also rescued from the cold, will be released at a later date, along with the green turtles that needed additional rehabilitation.
The dedicated and prepared volunteers from St. Joseph Peninsula State Park and Buffer Preserve, Gulf World Marine Park in Panama City Beach, Florida’s Gulfarium in Fort Walton Beach, St. Andrew Bay Resource management Association, National Marine Fisheries Service, University of Florida turtle researchers and local citizens, turned what could have been a sea turtle catastrophe into a marine wildlife rescue success story.
On February 23, 2011, Reef Relief and the Sea Turtle Conservancy presented a resolution that recognizes the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, its staff and the many volunteers, partner organizations and others that worked together in preparing and responding to the 2011 cold stunning sea turtle event and continue to monitor and respond to the health and well being of sea turtle populations and coral reef ecosystems in Florida and throughout the world.

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Every purchase helps us protect the reef!
P.O. Box 430 | Key West, FL 33041-0430 US