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May 20, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: May 20th, 2011 – Cushion Sea Star

Coral Reef Fact: The Cushion Sea star (Oreaster reticulatus) can help to prevent itself from starvation during periods of low food availability by reabsorbing its body tissues thus decreasing its size and food needs. Fact source: http://www.sms.si.edu/irlspec/Oreaster_reticulatus.htm Join Reef Relief today & help protect our marine environment. www.reefrelief.org/act/donate.

May 20, 2011
Action Alert: Help Save Hammerhead and Oceanic Whitetip Sharks

ACT NOW! Oceanic whitetip and hammerhead sharks are some of the most amazing creatures in the world’s oceans, but they are disappearing at an alarming rate. These top predators play a critical role in maintaining the balance of life in the sea, and their loss could cause irreversible damage to the oceans. Up to 73 […]

May 20, 2011
From Costa Rica To Nicaragua: Under The Cover Of Darkness, Foreign Fleet Now Lands Shark Fins In Nicaragua

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica — No longer able to land hundreds of tons of shark fins per year at private docks in Costa Rica, the foreign fleet is now landing its consignment of fins in Nicaragua. Concerned over the situation, Nicaraguan environmental organizations have warned governmental authorities of the situation but have yet to receive […]

May 20, 2011
Odd new species found in Kermadecs, New Zealand

More new species – including a “straightened-out seahorse” – have been found in New Zealand’s largest scientific expedition exploring the Kermadec Islands. Scientists say the pipe fish, a white creature with “striking” orange spots, is probably new to science and while only small, represents a significant find. Read the full article See picture

May 19, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: May 19, 2011- Red Heart Sea Urchin & Friend

Coral Reef Fact: ‘The Heart Urchin Pea Crab’ from MORPHOLOGIC on Vimeo. Most individual Red Heart/ Cake Sea Urchins form relationship with a small crab, the Heart Urchin Pea Crab(Dissodactylus primitivus). The crab spends its life on the urchin within the protection of its spines. Join Reef Relief today and help protect our marine environment.

May 19, 2011
Farm Runoff in Mississippi River Floodwater Fuels Dead Zone in Gulf

SCIENCE — May 18, 2011 at 12:33 PM EDT A dead zone — already the size of the state of New Jersey — is growing in the Gulf of Mexico, fueled by nutrient runoff from the swollen Mississippi River. This year, with floodwaters from the Birds Point levee breach and the Morganza and Bonnet Carret […]

May 18, 2011
Survey Finds Indonesian Reefs Recovering, But Still In Need Of Protection

May 14, 2011 Bali, Indonesia / Arlington, Virginia, U.S. — A two-week marine survey conducted by scientists with Conservation International (CI) in Indonesia, along with local partners, led to the discovery of eight potentially new species of fish and a potentially new species of coral in the waters surrounding Bali island. Read the full article

May 18, 2011
Heavy penalties set vs owners of cargo ship that destroyed corals

Tuesday, 17 May 2011 20:36 Jonathan Mayuga / Correspondent THE Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) wants the owners of MV Double Prosperity, which inflicted severe damage on Bakud Reef in Kaimba, Sarangani, on May 8, to pay dearly for its recklessness. Aside from the cost of the damaged coral area, Environment Secretary Ramon […]