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April 5, 2011
Coral Reef Fact: April 5, 2011 – Bioluminescence

Coral Reef Fact: Bioluminescence is light energy produced by organisms through a chemical reaction. It has been estimated hat this ability has “evolved independently at least 40 times” in organisms ranging from bacteria to sharks. Learn more Fact source: NOAA Donate to Reef Relief today & help protect our astounding marine environment, go to reefrelief.org/act/donate

April 5, 2011
World’s Reef Fishes Tussling With Human Overpopulation

ScienceDaily (Apr. 5, 2011) — “Coral reefs provide a range of critical goods and services to humanity — everything from nutrient cycling to food production to coast protection to economic revenues through tourism,” says Camilo Mora at Dalhousie University and lead researcher of the study. “Yet the complex nature and large-scale distribution of coral reefs […]

The Acid Sea – National Geographic Magazine April 2011

The carbon dioxide we pump into the air is seeping into the oceans and slowly acidifying them. One hundred years from now, will oysters, mussels, and coral reefs survive? National Geographic Magazine April 2011 By Elizabeth Kolbert Castello Aragonese is a tiny island that rises straight out of the Tyrrhenian Sea like a tower. Seventeen […]