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March 30, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: March 28, 2011 – Marine Debris

Coral Reef Fact: Discarded or abandoned fishing equipment and other types of debris can entangle, maim and kill marine animals. Debris entanglement & ingestion has been documented in 43% of marine mammals, 44% of seabirds, and all put one species of sea turtle globally. Learn more Donate to Reef Relief today & help protect our […]

March 30, 2011
Marine microbes digest plastic

Nature.com by, Gwyneth Dickey Zaikab Specialist bacteria seem to be eating the plastic garbage we throw into the ocean. But whether they’re cleaning up our poisons or just passing them back up the food chain remains to be seen. The ocean contains vast amounts of plastic, mostly as tiny shards floating just beneath the surface. […]

March 28, 2011
Ocean Fact: March 28, 2011- Sperm Whale

Ocean Fact: Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) use echolocation to find food. The whale emits a beam of high-frequency clicks. Structures in the whale’s head help to form & focus the sound beam. Returning sounds are received & transmitted to the inner ear allowing the whale to form a “picture” of its surroundings. Donate to Reef […]

March 25, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: March 25, 2011 – Coral Polyps

Coral Reef Fact: Corals can reproduce sexually & asexually. Asexual reproduce starts with one “founder” coral polyp who will continue to expand through budding. This cloning expands the colony adding new polyp layers through out the life of the coral colony. Donate to Reef Relief today & help protect our coral reefs. www.reefrelief.org/act/donate

March 25, 2011
CO2 killing our coral reefs, say experts

March 24 2011 at 07:27pm London – The world’s coral reefs are in danger of dying out in the next 20 years unless carbon emissions are cut drastically, warns a coalition of scientists led by Sir David Attenborough. The delicate ecosystems, known as the “rainforests of the sea”, support huge amounts of marine life. But […]

March 24, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: March 24, 2011 – Manatee

Coral Reef Fact: Manatee – The Gentle Giant (video) The West Indian manatee travels by pushing itself forward using their tails and steers with their flippers. In shallow water these flippers are used to walk on the bottom. Learn more Donate to Reef Relief today & help protect our marine environment. www.reefrelief.org/act/donate

March 23, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: March 23, 2011- Caribbean Electric Ray

Coral Reef Fact: The Critically Endangered, Caribbean Electric Ray (Narcine bancroftii) is frequently caught as by-catch by trawl seining net fisheries. Although usually discarded survivor rates are low. Pregnant females will often abort embryos upon capture further reduced their population size. Learn more Donate to Reef Relief today & help protect our marine environment. www.reefrelief.org/act/donate

March 23, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: March 22, 2011- Surgeonfish

Coral Reef Fact: Surgeonfish have the ability to completely change their color according to their mood. Usually, they maintain a consistent color but when a predator approaches they can change their color pattern within moments. Learn more Donate to Reef Relief today & help protect our astounding marine environment, go to reefrelief.org/act/donate

March 21, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: March 21, 2011 – Mangroves

Coral Reef Fact: The mangrove shoreline captures sediment, and reduces nutrients and other pollutants from coastal run-off. This is a critical buffer for our coral reefs. Since 1980, worldwide 20% of this important habitat has been lost. Learn more Donate to Reef Relief today & help protect our beautiful coastal environment, go to reefrelief.org/act/donate

New Study Reveals Aerosol Plumes Downwind of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Source www.rsmas.miami.edu Scientists describe two distinct plumes of oily aerosols that traveled from sea surface to atmosphere MIAMI — March 10, 2011 — Scientists from the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science were part of a national research team to find two plumes of oil-based pollutants downwind of the BP […]