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February 15, 2011
Little Hamaca City Park Clean-Up

This past Saturday, Reef Relief hosted a clean up along the Salt Ponds in Little Hamaca City Park. Volunteers from the USS Monterey joined with Reef Relief staff and the KWHS Reef Relief Club to removed 551 pounds of debris.

February 15, 2011
Extinction Predictor Could Help Protect Coral Reefs

Tuesday, 15 February 2011, 09:25 CST More than a third of coral reef fish species are in jeopardy of local extinction from the impacts of climate change on coral reefs, a new scientific study has found. (Local extinction refers to the loss of species from individual locations, while they continue to persist elsewhere across […]

February 15, 2011
Record of Decision for the Coral PEIS

NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD) for its Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) on Coral Restoration in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary.  The ROD, in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, summarizes the decisions made and […]

February 15, 2011
Coral Camp 2011 Coming Soon!

Coming Soon Coral Camp‘11 Enjoy your Summer, Exploring Coral Reefs & our Amazing Marine Ecology wit Reef Relief. Learn about reef creatures such as Sharks, Sea Turtles, Dolphins and Fish. During the summer months Reef Relief offers a unique opportunity for children 6-12 years of age to learn about coastal environments, the basics of ocean […]

February 11, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: February 11, 2011-Atlantic Thorn-oyster

Coral Reef Fact: The Atlantic Thorny-oyster (Spondylus americanu) is grouped in the same superfamily as the scallops, but like the true oysters (family Ostreidae) they cement themselves to rocks on reefs, usually under overhangs or in recesses. Learn more Please support Reef Relief’s work to protect coral reefs become a member today.

February 10, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: February 10, 2011-Mangrove upside-down jellyfish

Coral Reef Fact: Unlike most jellyfish, mangrove upside-down jellyfish (Cassiopea xamachana) is seldom seen swimming, it spends most of its time upside down, pulsating, on sandy or muddy substrates in mangrove or soft bottom bay habitats. This allows the photosynthetic zooxanthellae (symbiotic dinoflagellate algae) within its tentacles access to light. Learn more Please support Reef […]

February 9, 2011
Conservationists sue federal government to protect coral

BY TIMOTHY O’HARA Citizen Staff [email protected] A national conservation group plans to sue federal fishery managers for not following through on a plan to protect 82 different species of coral, some of which are found off the Florida Keys. The Center for Biological Diversity last week filed a notice of its intent to sue the […]

February 9, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: February 9, 2011-Bonnethead shark

Coral Reef Fact: The Bonnethead shark (Sphyrna tiburo), the smallest hammerhead shark, excretes, a special body fluid, called “cerebrospinal fluid” or to let others know it is nearby. It also utilizes an electric-field sensing system similar to radar. This allows the shark to attack prey within a few feet where its eyes are least able […]

February 9, 2011
Art Contest – Coral Reef Ecosystems and Tourism

The Social and Environmental Research Institute (SERI) is conducting research in Puerto Rico on coral reefs and tourism.  We are documenting the degree to which snorkelers and divers engage in behavior that could be damaging to the coral reefs of Puerto Rico. They  will also measure the effectiveness of reef etiquette messages at changing people’s […]

February 8, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: February 8, 2011-Blanket Octopus

Coral Reef Fact: The Blanket Octopus (Tremoctopus violaceus)displays the most extreme degree of sexual dimorphism in a non-microscopic animal. The mature males are tiny compared to the females, just a few centimeters long. The weight of mature males is at least 1:10,000 of mature females.  Learn more Please support Reef Relief’s work to protect the […]