ScienceDaily (Oct. 12, 2010) — Whale feces — should you be forced to consider such matters — probably conjures images of, well, whale-scale hunks of crud, heavy lumps that sink to the bottom. But most whales actually deposit waste that floats at the surface of the ocean, “very liquidy, a flocculent plume,” says University of […]
ScienceDaily (Oct. 13, 2010) — Hopes that coral reefs might be able to survive, and recover from, bleaching caused by climate change may have grown dimmer for certain coral species, according to new research by University at Buffalo marine biologists published this week in PLoS One. Read the full article
ScienceDaily (Oct. 13, 2010) — Researchers looking at corals in the western tropical Pacific Ocean have found records linking a profound shift in the depth of the division between warm surface water and colder, deeper water traceable to recent global warming. Read the full article
This Sunday, 10/10/10, in every corner of the globe, groups will gather to support solutions to the climate change crisis. From solar panels to community gardens, wind turbines to bike workshops, we’ll start to change our world from the bottom up. Oceana will be sponsoring a Key West event to collect hand written letters to […]
Sunday October 10th, 2010 Two films about global climate change will be screened for free in Key West and Marathon Sunday. The Sanctuary Friends is co-hosting the event for Climate Action Day. “The Age of Stupid” will be shown at 10:00am, 2:00pm, and 4:00pm at the Eco-Discovery Center, 33 E. Quay Road, at Truman Annex, […]
By HARRY R. WEBER, Associated Press Writer Harry R. Weber, Associated Press Writer – Mon Oct 4, 5:26 pm ET NEW ORLEANS – Oil industry and government officials could get caught flat-footed again by another deep-water blowout in the coming months because they have yet to incorporate many of the lessons learned during the BP disaster, experts inside and […]
Oceans 2030: Youth Outlook will provide a forum for youth to share their vision for our oceans over the next 20 years as part of the 11th National Conference: Our Changing Oceans organized by the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE). The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill is a stark reminder of our […]
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live underwater? From October 12-21, 2010 you can find out by tuning in to daily broadcasts live from Aquarius, the undersea research lab located off the coast of Key Largo in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The scientific researchers or “aquanauts” that live in the […]
By Justin Nobel Palau is a paradox: The low-lying Pacific island nation is threatened by climate change but may soon be drilling for oil. Seismic tests in the 1970s indicated the presence of petroleum but exploratory wells were never dug. Now, President Johnson Toribiong is pushing for exploration, hopeful oil will bring cheaper fuel, revenue […]
September 22, 2010 By Richard Black, BBC News Governments must protect nature better in order to safeguard their countries’ wealth, says the UN, as ministers meet for a day of talks on biodiversity. Read the full article