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September 15, 2010
Human Impacts on the Deep Seafloor

ScienceDaily (Sep. 14, 2010) — Scientists have for the first time estimated the physical footprint of human activities on the deep seafloor of the North East Atlantic. The findings, published in the journal PLoS ONE, reveal that the area disturbed by bottom trawling commercial fishing fleets exceeds the combined physical footprint of other major human […]

September 15, 2010
Ending the Oceans’ ‘Tragedy of the Commons’

ScienceDaily (Sep. 14, 2010) — Leading international marine scientists are proposing radical changes in the governance of the world’s oceans to rescue them from overfishing, pollution and other human impacts. Read the full article

Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor

September 10, 2010 Scientists on a research vessel in the Gulf of Mexico are finding a substantial layer of oily sediment stretching for dozens of miles in all directions. Their discovery suggests that a lot of oil from the Deepwater Horizon didn’t simply evaporate or dissipate into the water — it has settled to the […]

September 14, 2010
Protect corals with reef networks, U.N. study says

(Reuters) – The world should safeguard coral reefs with networks of small no-fishing zones to confront threats such as climate change, and shift from favoring single, big protected areas, a U.N. study showed. Read the full article

September 14, 2010
Another Oil Disaster, This Time in the Caribbean

A still-smoldering fire that raged out of control for two days at an oil storage facility on the Caribbean island of Bonaire has left residents shaken and wondering how island wildlife, which drives tourism, will fare in the aftermath. And with echos of the BP Deepwater Horizon, they wonder how such a disaster, consuming 20,000 […]

September 14, 2010
Manatee Subspecies Genetically Confirmed, but Diversity Challenge Looms

ScienceDaily (Sep. 13, 2010) — The first genetic study to compare nuclear DNA of endangered Antillean manatees in Belize with Florida manatees confirmed their designation as separate subspecies. Belize’s manatees, however, were found to have extremely low genetic diversity, raising questions about their long-term genetic viability. Read the full article

September 13, 2010
Pacific Leaders to Call for United Action on Oceans

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, September 8, 2010 –/WORLD-WIRE/— Leaders of Pacific Island States along with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and a coalition of non-profit, intergovernmental and academic institutions will call for collaborated action on ocean threats across the Pacific on Wednesday September 8th in San Francisco, California (USA). Read the full press release

Gulf Oil Spill Health Study to Start This Fall

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana, September 7, 2010 (ENS) – In Louisiana alone, there have been 399 reports of health complaints related to exposure to pollutants from the BP oil spill, according to the latest weekly report from the Louisiana Office of Public Health, issued Saturday. Read the full article

September 13, 2010
BP Blames ‘Multiple Companies’ for Gulf Oil Spill

HOUSTON, Texas, September 8, 2010 (ENS) – No single factor but “a sequence of failures involving a number of different parties” caused the explosion and fire aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil rig leased by BP in the Gulf of Mexico, the company said in a new report issued today. Read the full article

September 13, 2010
Climate Change Implicated in Decline of Horseshoe Crabs

ScienceDaily (Sep. 1, 2010) — A distinct decline in horseshoe crab numbers has occurred that parallels climate change associated with the end of the last Ice Age, according to a study that used genomics to assess historical trends in population sizes.