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Reef Relief joins NRDC in preparing and distributing two Ocean Facts Sheets on The Gulf Oil Spill threat to the Florida Keys

Fact Sheets: Oil Spill Do’s and Don’ts for the Florida Keys: Protecting Yourself and Your Family from the Health Impacts of the Oil Spill What’s at Stake: The Ecological and Economic Future of the Florida Keys

Key West Super Tanker Petition to Obama

Dear President Obama: We, the undersigned, urge that tankers be stationed in deepwater just off West Florida. Continental Shelf as areas where oil is most likely to enter. These tankers would be used as pump-out facilities for smaller vessels. Appropriately fitted Tankers can also pump up enormous amounts of oil. Skimmers, commercial, and recreational boats […]

The U.S. will accept international offers of assistance

U.S. State Department Press Release June 29, 2010

Latest News: BP Oil Spill

Click to find out the latest on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill response Associated Press Oil Spill Coverage Google Crisis Response Site: Helpful all in one stop for current info. and maps of the spill

June 22, 2010
Saturday, June 26th Hands Across the Sand

Join us THIS Saturday for the largest demonstration against off-shore drilling—and FOR clean energy—to date. We will be gathering on Smathers Beach, Key West after 11:30AM and joining hands at 12:30PM. Wear blue and green: “For the BLUE of our ocean and the GREEN of our keys, we stand united.” Remember, ride your bikes and […]

June 17, 2010
Urgent Gulf Coastal Recovery Action – Support the Coastal Jobs Creation Act

Urgent Gulf Coastal Recovery Action – Support the Coastal Jobs Creation Act Please help champion The Coastal Jobs Creation Act of 2010 (HR 4914), a bill that will financially assist fishing communities in the face of huge challenges including the recent Gulf of Mexico oil disaster. Please take a moment to review this request, and […]

Reef Relief’s Paul Johnson publishes Op-Ed on Comprehensive Ocean Policy and will also host conference

Paul Johnson, the Director of Policy and Special Projects of Reef Relief, has published an Op-Ed article in (link above). Paul’s article discusses the need for a comprehensive ocean policy, and how that has affected our ability to respond to the catastrophe that is the BP oil spill.

Sentry Plan Begins to Monitor Ocean for Weathered Oil Products

A new sentry plan has been initiated to provide real-time ocean monitoring off the Florida Keys and the Dry Tortugas, according to a news release issued by the U.S. Coast Guard. Vessels are being used to conduct maritime patrols and to provide early identification. These are precautionary measures meant to provide responders with a minimum of 48 hours’ notice to take appropriate action.

May 25, 2010
Coral Camp 2010 Registration Open

Coral Camp 2010 Registration (PDF) Slots for Coral Camp 2010 are now open and filling fast. Weekly sessions run from June 21 – August 13. Coral Camp provides a unique and fun summer learning experience for 6-12 year old students. Campers learn all about our living coral reef ecosystem through interactive field trips, film and […]