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Oil Spill Hovers Over Gulf of Mexico Reefs

Sensitive Ecosystem in Danger and Could be Headed for the Florida Keys Associated Press coverage of the oil spill’s impact in the Florida Keys

Spill Watch

May 12, 2010
Local Clean Ups

Saturday May 15 & 29, 2010 10:00pm-1:00pm Join the Fun! Reef Relief, T.R.A.S.H.E.D. in the Keys, and the Green Parrot Kayak Society invite the community to help clean up the mangroves and shoreline. Lazy Dog is providing the kayaks but bring your own if possible. The clean ups will start at 10:00 pm leaving out […]

Tell President Obama to reconsider his plan for oil drilling off Florida

                          Reef Relief urges you to sign your company or organization on to our letter requesting that President Obama reconsider any future leasing and drilling for oil and gas off Florida in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic until the cause  and […]

May 5, 2010
FL Keys Oil Spill Emergency Response

Oil Spill Updates and Information For the most up-to-date information on Florida’s Deepwater Horizon response, as well as health and safety tips, visit The Florida Emergency Information Line (FEIL) will operate from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. until further notice. The number for residents to call is:         1-800-342-3557 The Florida […]

April 27, 2010
Battle in the Bay-Dragon Boat Festival Saturday May 8

FLORIDA KEYS DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL SOMBRERO BEACH, MARATHON SATURDAY MAY 8 9am A portion of this year’s event proceeds benefits Reef Relief.

A History and Timeline of Oil Drilling in Florida

History of Oil and Gas in Florida Timeline of Oil Gas Florida

September 1, 2009
The ocean supports us all.

It’s time for us to support the ocean. Stay informed about the most recent environmental issues and ways that you can make a difference.

January 23, 2008
Florida Keys web design by Wodu.

Wodu worked closely with Reef Relief to create this comprehensive website for Reef Relief.