Enesta Jones (News Media Only) [email protected] 202-564-7873 202-564-4355 Stephanie Brown (Program Contact) [email protected] 202-564-1192 January 28, 2015 WASHINGTON — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is inviting small businesses, governments, and not-for-profit organizations to participate as Small Entity Representatives (SERs) for a Small Business Advocacy Review (SBAR) Panel. The panel is part of a standard federal government process and will focus on the agency’s […]
Now that thousands of people have signed the Floridians' Clean Water Declaration and millions of Florida voters said yes to Amendment 1 this past November, it's time to take our message directly to Tallahassee! On February 18, Floridians' Clean Water Declaration and Amendment 1 activists will join forces for a "We Want Clean Water" rally on […]
NRDC Petition Off the Atlantic coast, undersea canyons with vibrant deep-sea corals provide food and shelter for squid, lobsters, and endangered fin and sperm whales. But as a global appetite for seafood grows, weighted fishing nets threaten to destroy the fragile, living seafloor that has taken hundreds—or even thousands—of years to establish. The regional fishery […]
Our Florida Reeefs invitse you to speak up for OUR FLORIDA REEFS ! Comments submitted online will be compiled and used to help improve the OUR FLORIDA REEFS community planning process. Comments will also be provided to Community Working Groups, which will convene starting in March 2014 to develop recommendations for southeast Florida’s reefs. All […]
By John Light. January 10, 2015 Grist.org We don’t know nearly enough about the fracking that’s already going on in the U.S. — that’s the point of two lawsuits filed this past week by environmental advocates against the federal government. In the first suit, an environmental group is suing the feds to get […]
The Senate Committee on Environmental Preservation and Conservation is currently taking public comment on the implementation of the Water and Land Conservation Amendment passed by Florida voters in November 2014. Submit your comments at the link below. http://www.flsenate.gov/media/topics/wlc
Could this be YOUR new "office"? I am only 66 years young, very healthy, and I want to go travel with my husband-love Art a lot more while we are in such good health. So, yes you read that right, I am SERIOUS, and I am really selling the DANCING DOLPHIN SPIRITS CHARTERS!!! It is time […]
Hey check it out! Sweetest Knights is supporting Reef Relief through a portion of its sales. Customers can chose the cause to support in their nominate a cause drop down box. Visit their website at http://www.sweetestknights.com/ Tis the season for fudge and giving back! #fudge #fundraising #nonprofit #reefrelief #sweetestknights #keywest
Check the Climate Selfie Project website out at http://climateselfieproject.org/gallery/nov-dec-2014/