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August 16, 2014
Yesterday was our last day of coral camp! We’ve had a lot…

Yesterday was our last day of coral camp! We’ve had a lot of fun and made a lot of friends. We will miss our campers and hope they have a great school year!! #reefrelief #coralcamp #friendship #friends #kids via Instagram from Tumblr via IFTTT

August 15, 2014
Great poster by @wwf ! #stopsharkfinning #stopfinning…

Great poster by @wwf ! #stopsharkfinning #stopfinning #sharkweek #sharksarefriendsnotfood via Instagram from Tumblr via IFTTT

August 15, 2014
Today on our last snorkeling day with @furykeywest we saw a sea…

Today on our last snorkeling day with @furykeywest we saw a sea urchin, reef sharks, groupers, a nurse shark, a sea turtle, a lionfish and so much more! Thank you to the wonderful staff who helped make this summer amazing for our campers #reefrelief #coralcamp #summerfun #summercamp #lionfish #seaturtle #grouper #nurseshark #sharkweek #reefshark via Instagram […]

August 14, 2014
EPA water quality standards and methods related to bacteria in marine waters are evolving

  In 2012, EPA modified its recommended Recreational Water Quality Criteria. In 2013, EPA updated its beach sanitary survey manual. In 2013, EPA developed a rapid microbiological method for ambient waters. Currently, EPA is revising National Beach Guidance and Required Performance Criteria for Grants. Comments are due May 28, 2014. Later in 2014, a public […]

August 14, 2014
Department of Environmental Protection Caloosahatchee TMDL Meeting

 Meeting to receive public comments on:   1) a draft nutrient and dissolved oxygen (DO) total maximum daily load (TMDL) report for impaired waters in the Caloosahatchee River Basin, to be adopted in Rule 62-304.800, F.A.C. and   2) having the nutrient TMDLs, if adopted, constitute site specific numeric interpretations of the narrative nutrient criterion […]

August 13, 2014
Today was our last field trip to the…

Today was our last field trip to the @keywestwildlifecenter ! We will miss the wonderful staff and Charlie the chicken via Instagram from Tumblr via IFTTT

August 13, 2014
mucholderthen: SHARKS and TROPHIC CASCADESWhat Happens When…

mucholderthen: SHARKS and TROPHIC CASCADESWhat Happens When Sharks Disappear?Infographics by Lily Williams Lily Williams stuff (prints etc) is available at Society6 … from Tumblr via IFTTT

August 13, 2014

from Tumblr via IFTTT

August 13, 2014
Thai Airways bans shark fin from cargo flights – Channel NewsAsia

Thai Airways bans shark fin from cargo flights – Channel NewsAsia: mothbug: Thai Airways has… from Tumblr via IFTTT

August 13, 2014
sallysnowglobe: There are different stages to the shark fin…

sallysnowglobe: There are different stages to the shark fin trade, weather you are the one eating shark fin soup, making it, or you’re the fisherman being seduced by the money of a buyer to kill sharks, action by anyone within these levels against the trade can and will help stop this barbaric delicacy.    About 73 […]