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February 18, 2014
Florida step up and take action!

Repeal the FL State law (Energy, Climate Change, and Economic Security Act of 2008 (House Bill 7135) Section 403.7033, Florida Statutes) that bans local governments from enacting local bans on plastic bags. We depend on our ocean just as much as Hawaii.

February 18, 2014
Hawaii Is First State to Ban Plastic Bags

By Tanya Lewis|   February 11, 2014. livescience.com Plastic bags are the modern environmental scourge — piling up in landfills, polluting the oceans and choking wildlife. Now, Hawaii has taken a stand by becoming the first U.S. state to ban plastic bags at checkout counters. Hawaii has always valued the land, or "Aina," so the step […]

February 18, 2014
From the Bow Seat’s 2014 Ocean Awareness Student Contest

From the Bow Seat’s 2014 Ocean Awareness Student Contest encourages high school students to learn about plastics and how they affect the marine environment and living organisms.  The contest allows students to share their newfound knowledge through writing, artwork, or an advocacy video. Three sets of prizes will be awarded, i.e., one for each category […]

February 7, 2014
WATER ACTION ALERT: House Bill 703 filed by Rep. Jimmy Patronis

Reposted from http://www.rivercrisis.com/. January 2014 Just as we thought we might get some positive attention from the state, a bill was filed to keep local communities from protecting their environment. Click here to see an annotated version of House Bill 703 filed by Rep. Jimmy Patronis of Panama City. The bill is a Christmas tree […]

February 6, 2014
Palau President Tommy Remengesau Jr declares marine sanctuary, bans all commercial fishing

Australia News Network. Feb. 6, 2014 Palau's President Tommy Remengesau Jr. has declared the Pacific nation will become a marine sanctuary, where no commercial fishing will take place. Mr Remengesau has told a UN oceans conference Palau's 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone will be a "100 per cent marine sanctuary", and commercial operations will […]

February 6, 2014
Whales beaching at unusual rate in Florida

By Ken Kaye, SunSentinel February 4, 2014 More than 90 whales have become stranded on Florida beaches in the past two months, almost three times the average, baffling marine biologists and making them wonder if a deadly common denominator is at play. The series of cold fronts that marched across Florida in the past month […]

February 6, 2014
Fiery-red coral species discovered in the Peruvian Pacific

  Science Daily. Date:  February 3, 2014 Source: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute A new coral species, Psammogorgia hookeri, has been collected by scuba divers from rocky ledges at depths to 25 meters in Peru's Paracas National Reserve. The corals' hand-sized colonies are slightly smaller than the colonies of their closest relative. Costa Rican researchers at […]

February 6, 2014
Cuba Pushes Ahead With Oil Drilling, But U.S. Fears Potential Spills Reaching Florida

Published January 22, 2014 Fox News Latino   Despite repeated failed efforts to find oil, the Cuban government has pledged to resume offshore drilling in the deep waters of the Florida Straits, raising concerns in the U.S. about the threat of environmental damage along Florida’s coastline.   Read more at http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/politics/2014/01/22/cuba-pushes-ahead-with-oil-drilling-us-fret-over-potential-spills-along/

We Want Clean Water Rally! RALLY IN TALLY!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. On the front steps of the Old Capitol 400 S. Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399 http://mapq.st/1byIOot BUSES from points south – DETAILS COMING PARKING Republic Parking-Kleman Plaza 306 N Duval St. Tallahassee, FL 32301 (850) 561-3066 Republic Parking 215 S Calhoun St. Tallahassee, FL 32301 (850) […]