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New Science Released On How Human-Made Sounds Impact Marine Mammals

By Lisa Phu, KTOO – Juneau | January 23, 2014 The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is asking for public comment on guidelines updating the effects of human-made sounds on marine mammals. Marine mammals rely on their sense of sound for survival. “They use it for feeding, locating mates, and just generally understanding what’s going […]

January 24, 2014
Economic Impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)

http://www.cop.noaa.gov/stressors/extremeevents/hab/current/HAB_Econ.aspx Some harmful algae produce potent toxins which cause illness or death in humans and other organisms, including endangered species. Other harmful algae are non-toxic to humans and wildlife but degrade ecosystems by forming such large blooms that they can adversely affect corals, seagrasses, and organisms living on the sea-bottom. Human health and ecosystem impacts […]

The Beneath the Waves – Youth Making Ripples Film Competition

The Beneath the Waves – Youth Making Ripples Film Competition – is an opportunity  for K-12 students (< 18 years of age) to use their creative talents and serve as a voice for our oceans. We encourage elementary, middle and high school students to create their own marine related film on a topic of their […]

January 23, 2014
Caloosahatchee and Estuary Condition Reports

Caloosahatchee Condition Summary:   For the past 5 weeks the salinities have exceeded the MFL "harm" threshold of 10 psu.  Legacy nutrients from the summer's high flows continue to feed algal blooms within San Carlos Bay and Pine Island Sound and along the hard bottom surfaces within the Gulf of Mexico and are washing up on coastal […]

January 23, 2014
A coastline of ‘critical’ habitat? Petition seeks to expand protection for endangered orcas

by SCOTT RASMUSSEN,  Journal of the San Juans  Jan 22, 2014 The amount of critical habitat afforded to the Southern Resident killer whales will grow by leaps and bounds, if the Center for Biological Diversity has its way. The Center last week filed a formal petition with the National Marine Members of the endangered Southern resident […]

North and Tropical Atlantic Ocean Bringing Climate Change to Antarctica

Science Daily Jan. 22, 2014 — The gradual warming of the North and Tropical Atlantic Ocean is contributing to climate change in Antarctica, a team of New York University scientists has concluded. The findings, which rely on more than three decades of atmospheric data and appear in the journal Nature, show new ways in which […]

January 23, 2014
War on lionfish shows first promise of success

01/22/2014. Ocean State University MEDIA CONTACT: David Stauth, 541-737-0787 SOURCE: Stephanie Green, 541-908-3839 CORVALLIS, Ore. – It may take a legion of scuba divers armed with nets and spears, but a new study confirms for the first time that controlling lionfish populations in the western Atlantic Ocean can pave the way for a recovery of […]

January 22, 2014
Floridians’ Clean Water Declaration Campaign – JOIN US!

Floridians’ Clean Water Declaration Campaign – JOIN US! ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN: The Floridians’ Clean Water Declaration is a positive vision to inspire people to work together to create a new water ethic, find solutions to Florida’s water quality and quantity problems and send a clear message to our water managers that the people of Florida demand clean […]