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Research provides insights into marine disease and climate

By Krishna Ramanujan. August 2, 2013. Cornell Cronicle Climate changes have increased the occurrence of infectious diseases in some natural and agricultural systems, and developing predictive early-warning systems will be crucial to combat their spread. A review article in the Aug. 2 issue of Science presents the current state of the science and forecasting recommendations. […]

August 3, 2013
Coral Camp Week 7 Posters!

Week 7 Posters!

August 3, 2013
Coral Camp 2013 Week 7

Coral Camp 2013 Week 7

July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
Coral Camp Week 7 Wednesday Mel Fisher Museum!

Week 7 Wednesday Mel Fisher Museum!

Study: Sea-level rise threatens 1,400 U.S. cities

Wendy Koch, USA TODAY. July 29, 201 A rise in sea levels threatens the viability of more than 1,400 cities and towns, including Miami, Virginia Beach and Jacksonville, unless there are deep cuts in heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions, says an analysis out Monday. Prior emissions have already locked in 4 feet of future sea-level rise […]

July 31, 2013
Reef Relief against channel dredging

  BY GWEN FILOSA. Key West Citizen. July 31, 2013. [email protected]   The nonprofit Reef Relief has announced it opposes channel dredging in Key West based on the 2010 Army Corps of Engineers study that predicted such a project would have a "significant negative effect on environmental quality" and harm coral along 17 acres. "We […]

July 31, 2013
Coral Camp 2013 Week 7

Week 7 Discoveries at Eco-Discovery

July 31, 2013
Coral Camp 2013 Week 7 Tuesday Trip at the Eco-Discovery Center

Week 7 Tuesday Trip at the Eco-Discovery Center