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Science Without Borders® Challenge “HOW ARE WE ALL CONNECTED TO THE OCEANS?”

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is pleased to announce the Science Without Borders® Challenge, a contest meant to answer the question, “How Are We All Connected to the Oceans?” Students, ages 14-19, are asked to submit 1-5 minute videos that remind us how vital oceans are to our existence. Please forward this to […]

January 14, 2013
Bengali Mangrove Forests Are Fading Away

Jan. 10, 2013 — Mangrove forests of the Sundarbans are disappearing, taking endangered species like the Bengal tiger with them. RAPID deterioration in mangrove health is occurring in the Sundarbans, resulting in as much as 200m of coast disappearing in a single year. A report published January 11 in Remote Sensing by scientists from the […]

Declare War On Climate Change. We demand President Obama and Congress accept Climate Change as an enemy of the people.

We petition the obama administration to: We, the people, demand the President of the United States and it's legislative body recognize Climate Change as great and Grave a threat to this nation as they would any other aggressive enemy. We demand that the President and Congress act against Climate Change as they have acted against […]

January 14, 2013
Everglades activists hope to maintain progress

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/01/11/3178577/everglades-activists-hope-to-maintain.html#storylink=c By CURTIS MORGAN [email protected]. 01.11.13 The last few years have been good for Everglades restoration. After a decade of delay, there have been a string of ground-breakings and dedications, most recently Friday for a pump station in deep South Miami-Dade that will send more freshwater to both parched Everglades National Park […]

January 13, 2013
Attend a Hearing to Save 66 Corals

The government has set up a number of hearings to discuss the 66 corals proposed for endangered species protections. Please attend a public meeting in your area and give your support the proposed coral protections. It's a great opportunity to learn what the coral listings will mean and also build support within your community to […]

January 13, 2013
Lazy Gecko Beer Pong Tournament

Title: Lazy Gecko Beer Pong Tournament Location: Lazy Gecko Bar at 203 Duval St., Key West, FL Description: Fred from Ricks will be guest bar with the Gecko's Rich Baker Beer pong tournament ( $20 per team ) Raffle and cash prize to winner Proceeds from raffle & half the entry fee to benefit Reef […]

January 10, 2013
Effects of hurricanes, land use, and water management on nutrient and microbial pollution: St. Lucie Estuary, southeast Florida.

Lapointe, B.E.; Herren, L.W., and Bedford, B.J., 2012. Effects of hurricanes, land use, and water management on nutrient and microbial pollution: St. Lucie Estuary, southeast Florida. Journal of Coastal Research, 28(6), 1345–1361. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. ABSTRACT: Multiple hurricanes impacted southeast Florida during 2004 and 2005, producing record rainfall and large-scale stormwater runoff into […]

January 10, 2013
Wyland Gallery of Sarasota: Walfrido show print auction benefiting Reef Relief

Title: Wyland Gallery of Sarasota: Walfrido show print auction benefiting Reef Relief Location: Wyland Gallery in Sarasota Description: A signed Wyland print will be auctioned off in February at the Wyland Gallery in Sarasota proceeds benefiting Reef Relief. The piece will be on display at the Walfrido and the Steve Barton art shows at the […]

January 10, 2013
Wyland Gallery of Sarasota: Steve Barton show print auction benefiting Reef Relief

Title: Wyland Gallery of Sarasota: Steve Barton show print auction benefiting Reef ReliefLocation: Wyland Gallery SarasotaDescription: A signed Wyland print will be auctioned off in February at the Wyland Gallery in Sarasota proceeds benefiting Reef Relief. The piece will be on display at the Walfrido and the Steve Barton art shows at the Wyland Gallery […]

January 9, 2013
Legal group challenges manatee’s endangered status

 Dec 15, 2012 Written by The Associated Press STUART, Fla. (AP) – A conservative legal group and some north Florida business owners are asking the federal government to strip the manatee of its endangered species status. Federal officials say they're considering doing just that, though relisting the manatee as only a threatened species would not […]