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December 14, 2012
Cook Islands’ shark sanctuary creates world’s largest

13 December 2012. http://www.bbc.co.uk The Cook Islands has approved a shark sanctuary in its waters, making for the largest such sanctuary in the world. The South Pacific island chain declared a 1.9 million-sq-km sanctuary, contiguous with one established last week by neighbouring French Polynesia. That sees a ban on shark fishing and possession or sale […]

December 14, 2012
To Save a Coral Reef Enabler

Luiz Rocha, December 12, 2012, http://www.nytimes.com/ Luiz Rocha, the curator of ichthyology at the California Academy of Sciences, writes from Belize, where he conducts research on one of the world’s most endangered fish. There’s a lion on the loose, and it’s hunting endangered prey. I’m on my way to Belize to see what I can […]

Wind and Solar Power Paired With Storage Could Power Grid 99.9 Percent of the Time

Science Daily Dec. 10, 2012 — Renewable energy could fully power a large electric grid 99.9 percent of the time by 2030 at costs comparable to today's electricity expenses, according to new research by the University of Delaware and Delaware Technical Community College. A well-designed combination of wind power, solar power and storage in batteries […]

December 14, 2012
Everyday Objects Photographed to Look Like Sea Creatures

Michael Zhang · Dec 08, 2012. http://www.petapixel.com/ The Pacific Trash Vortex, also known as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch,” is an area the size of Texas in the Pacific ocean in which there’s 6 times the amount of plastic as there is natural plankton. Photographer Kim Preston wanted to draw attention to this growing problem, […]

November 28, 2012
New Free App for Beach Lovers

The Swim Guide is a FREE app for iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch® and Android that makes it easy to explore and enjoy the best beaches in these areas — Alabama, Alberta, British Columbia, California, Charleston SC, Connecticut, Florida, the Great Lakes, Greater Boston MA, Maryland/Chesapeake Bay, New York, the Ottawa River region, parts of Oregon & Washington states, Saskatchewan, and […]

November 28, 2012
Valuing Florida’s Clean Waters: Stockholm Environment Institute Report

In the first comprehensive review of its kind, the Stockholm Environment Institute, based at Tufts University, has released a white paper that finds that algae and red tide outbreaks caused by water pollution cost Floridians between $1.3 and $10.5 billion each year. Read the white paper, “Valuing Florida’s Clean Water,” here: http://earthjustice.org/sites/default/files/ValuingFloridasCleanWaters.pdf

November 28, 2012
EPA strengthens water quality guidelines for beaches

By Noam N. Levey, Washington BureauNovember 26, 2012, 7:24 p.m. WASHINGTON — The Environmental Protection Agency updated water quality guidelines for the nation’s beaches Monday, moving in response to charges that the federal government has not done enough to protect bathers from polluted water. The new guidelines, which update standards issued in 1986, may not […]

November 28, 2012
In Hawaii, a coral reef infection has biologists alarmed

By Kim Murphy, Los Angeles TimesNovember 27, 2012, 5:00 a.m. HANALEI, Hawaii — When compiling a list of places that may be described as paradise, Hanalei Bay on the rugged north shore of the island of Kauai surely qualifies. The perfect crescent bay, rimmed by palm trees, emerald cliffs and stretches of white sand, has […]

November 19, 2012
Marine Algae Could Help With Stroke Recovery

Posted: Wed 10:36 AM, Nov 14, 2012. http://www.wowt.com/   A natural product produced by marine algae shows promise in stroke recovery. Creighton University School of Medicine is involved in a new study using brevetoxin-2, a compound produced naturally by marine algae, that stimulated nerve cell growth and plasticity in cultured mouse neurons. This research advances […]

November 19, 2012
DEP reorganization eliminates model beaches bureau, critics say

Bruce Ritchie, 11/15/2012 – 05:29 PM.  http://www.thefloridacurrent.com A Florida Department of Environmental Protection divisional reorganization that includes eliminating a bureau dealing with beach issues is coming under fire. Florida’s has 825 miles of sandy coastline, contributing $15 billion a year to the state’s economy from beach tourism, according to DEP. The Division of Water Resource […]