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Ocean-grabbing threatens the food security of entire communities

From: Olivier De Schutter, Ecologist, www.enn.com Published November 15, 2012 08:43 AM All over the world, food systems and the ecosystems they rely on are coming under pressure from the over-exploitation of natural resources. But nowhere are these impacts occurring as rapidly and dramatically as in the world’s oceans. Between 1970 and 1990, buoyed by […]

November 19, 2012
Nigeria Exxon spill spreads for miles along coast

By Tife Owolabi. Reuters IBENO, Nigeria | Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:51am EST (Reuters) – An oil spill at an ExxonMobil facility offshore from the Niger Delta has spread at least 20 miles from its source, coating waters used by fishermen in a film of sludge. A Reuters reporter visiting several parts of Akwa Ibom […]

November 14, 2012
Marine ‘treasure trove’ could bring revolution in medicine and industry

Saturday 10 November 2012. The Guardian Science could harness genetic secrets of newly discovered microbial life – but there are fears of ecosystem damage Scientists have pinpointed a new treasure trove in our oceans: micro-organisms that contain millions of previously unknown genes and thousands of new families of proteins. These tiny marine wonders offer a […]

November 14, 2012
Tracking Post-Sandy Sewage

ScienceDaily (Nov. 9, 2012) — With millions of gallons of raw sewage dumping into New Jersey waterways following Hurricane Sandy, University of Delaware scientists are using satellites to help predict the sludge’s track into the ocean. “Technically, you can’t identify raw sewage from a satellite, but you can find river discharge that you suspect has […]

November 14, 2012
‘Groundwater Inundation’ Doubles Previous Predictions of Flooding With Future Sea Level Rise

  ScienceDaily (Nov. 11, 2012) — Scientists from the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) published a study today in Nature Climate Change showing that besides marine inundation (flooding), low-lying coastal areas may also be vulnerable to “groundwater inundation,” a factor largely unrecognized in earlier predictions on the effects of sea level rise (SLR). Previous […]

November 14, 2012
Lifestyles of the species-rich and famous

 November 13, 2012. http://theseamonster.net/ Below is a guest post (her first!) by Dr Emily Darling, about one of the 17 chapters of her PhD dissertation: The ongoing loss of coral cover and flattening of reef architecture is leading to dramatic and drastic changes for coral reef ecosystems. But not all reef-building corals are affected in […]

Naïve Fish Make Easy Targets For Spear Fishers

  November 13, 2012. http://www.redorbit.com/ ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies Big fish that have grown up in marine reserves don’t seem to know enough to avoid fishers armed with spear guns waiting outside the reserve. The latest research by an Australian team working in the Philippines into the effects of marine reserves […]

November 14, 2012
Shoreline Cleanup

Title: Shoreline Cleanup Location: Geiger Key Marina Description: This weekend Reef Relief and Key West Ecotours will be hosting a kayak shoreline cleanup on Saturday, November 17th at Geiger Key. Kayaks are being generously provided by Key West Ecotours. Meet us at Geiger Key Marina located at 5 Geiger Key Rd, on Geiger Key, look […]

October 26, 2012
Can we protect 10 percent of the oceans? Momentum is growing.

By Pete Spotts, Staff writer / October 25, 2012.  http://www.csmonitor.com/ Efforts to set aside conservation zones in the world’s oceans are picking up steam, putting countries on a path to reach an international goal of setting aside 10 percent of coastal and marine waters as marine-protected areas by 2020. That’s the assessment of a report prepared […]

Join the National Twitter Day of Action to #makeBPpay

Greetings! Our national #makeBPpay Twitter Day of Action is finally here! All day long, we’re asking people to send tweets to @BP_America demanding they pay the maximum fines for which they are liable for the 2010 gulf oil spill. Despite BP’s advertising campaigns to the contrary, the gulf is still suffering from the spill. Last […]