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Scientists urge protection of Arctic fisheries

Posted on April 27, 2012 by Bob Berwyn By Summit Voice SUMMIT COUNTY — Leading scientists from around the world warned that unbridled commerical fishing in newly thawed Arctic waters is likely to result in resource depletion similar to what’s occurred in other areas. “The ability to fish is not the same as having the […]

Groups sue EPA, Coast Guard over dispersants use

By DAN JOLING, Associated Press. Thursday, April 19, 2012 Three environmental groups are taking aim at how federal agencies approve dispersants to break up oil spills in marine waters. The groups on Wednesday sued the Environmental Protection Agency and the Coast Guard, claiming the agencies have failed to make sure they know how chemicals in […]

April 27, 2012
Rise In Asian Tiger Shrimp Sightings Prompts Scientific Look At Invasion Concerns

by Underwatertimes.com News Service – April 26, 2012 19:11 EST SILVER SPRING, Maryland — The recent rise in sightings of non-native Asian tiger shrimp off the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts has government scientists working to determine the cause of the increase and the possible consequences for native fish and seafood in those […]

April 27, 2012
Tiny Shark Has Glowing Belly

Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:50 AM ET Content provided by Jeanna Bryner, LiveScience Tiny sharks about the size of a human hand have a superpower of sorts: their bellies glow, according to new research that also showed these smalleye pygmy sharks use the glow to hide from predators lurking below. Scientists had proposed the smalleye […]

New NWF Report: A Degraded Gulf of Mexico

Wildlife and Wetlands Two Years into the Gulf Oil Disaster National Wildlife Federation 04-10-2012 // Jaclyn McDougal As the two-year mark of the Deepwater Horizon blowout approaches, the National Wildlife Federation issued a new report today examining the health of the Gulf’s wildlife and wetlands. Impacts from the Gulf oil disaster will be unfolding for […]

April 6, 2012
Coral-sponge interactions

April 5, 2012 by RK  at Coral Hub  Logging hundreds of images, in the field, bleary eyed, late at night, is not my strong suite and so it was that I recently discovered a curious mistake whereby a “coral disease” on closer inspection turned out to be a sponge – read on!   This article […]