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Greg Stone: Saving the ocean one island at a time

Aboard Mission Blue, scientist Greg Stone tells the story of how he helped the Republic of Kiribati create an enormous protected area in the middle of the Pacific — protecting fish, sealife and the island nation itself.

February 7, 2012
Ocean Radio 156: The connects all things II

We at the World Ocean Observatory use the belief “The Sea Connects All Things” as the basis for our work to inform citizens and unite to sustain the ocean through change of human behavior on land and sea. What does this sentence actually mean? In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will […]

February 7, 2012
New beach water rules: Enough to make you sick

The Beach Act of 2000 gave the EPA a chance to vastly improve protection of the nation’s swimmers and surfers from pathogen-caused illnesses — an opportunity that seems about to be wasted. By Mark Gold. LA Times February 7, 2012 When Congress approved the Beach Act in 2000, I was hopeful. The law required the […]

February 3, 2012
Study Finds Southern Indian Ocean Humpbacks Singing Different Tunes

by Underwatertimes.com News Service – February 2, 2012 17:41 EST NEW YORK, New York — A recently published study by the Wildlife Conservation Society and others reveals that humpback whales on both sides of the southern Indian Ocean are singing different tunes, unusual since humpbacks in the same ocean basin usually all sing very similar […]

February 2, 2012
Underwater world of Ireland in HD

underwater-ireland.com on Mar 15, 2011

February 2, 2012
Keys Energy unveils wind turbines

By RYAN McCARTHY. Keynoter Wednesday, February 01, 2012 11:08 AM EST Keys Energy Services is making the most of a state Clean Energy Grant it was awarded last summer. The most recent initiative — a pair of wind turbines — has been getting noticed a lot lately at the Lower Keys utility’s Cudjoe Key substation. […]

February 2, 2012
Marine sanctuary chief earns national honor

By KeysNet Staff Posted – Wednesday, February 01, 2012 11:05 AM EST The superintendent of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary has been named the outstanding manager of his federal agency. Sean Morton, who has overseen the 2,900-square-mile marine area since February 2009, was picked as manager of the year by the Office of National […]

February 2, 2012
Small Island Developing States seek international commitment

October 9, 2010 | MG Multimedia | By Nosh Nalavala Alliance of Small Island States’ Chairperson and Grenada’s Ambassador to the United Nations Dessima Williams in an exclusive interview with MediaGlobal’s Nosh Nalavala MediaGlobal (MG): The most recent talks in Bonn showed that the 194 negotiating countries have failed to even define a common target […]

February 2, 2012
Congressman Markey Issues Sharp Criticisms of Draft Interpretation of “Endangered” and “Threatened” Species

January 31, 2012 by Robert Horton www.endangeredspecieslawandpolicy.com As previously blogged about here, on December 9, 2011, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service (Services) published a notice of proposed rulemaking (PDF) in the Federal Register that will, if adopted, change the Services’ standards for listing and delisting species as threatened or endangered […]

February 1, 2012
Detecting Detrimental Change in Coral Reefs

  ScienceDaily (Jan. 26, 2012) — Over dinner on R.V. Calypso while anchored on the lee side of Glover’s Reef in Belize, Jacques Cousteau told Phil Dustan that he suspected humans were having a negative impact on coral reefs. Dustan — a young ocean ecologist who had worked in the lush coral reefs of the […]