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August 17, 2011
Assessing Global Status of Tuna and Billfish Stocks

ScienceDaily (Aug. 15, 2011) — A global study by an international team including professor John Graves of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science has found that several species of tunas and billfishes are threatened and in need of further protection. The team’s analysis — published in a recent issue of Science magazine’s Policy Forum — […]

August 9, 2011
Reef Fact: 8/9/11-Polka-dot Batfish

Reef Fact: The POLKA-DOT BATFISH (Ogcocephalus cubifrons) maybe a slow fish but it has an unique fishing advantage. Below its snout is a fin that has become modified into a moveable spine used to lure prey within striking distance. Join Reef Relief today and help protect our marine world. www.reefrelief.org/act/donate Fact source: http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/gallery/Descript/Batfish/Batfish.htm

August 9, 2011
Some Cool Things About Sharks

By Christine Hoekenga. posted www.speakupfortheblue.com Shark Week on Discovery Channel is winding down, and as the final credits roll for this year’s toothy line-up (including predictable titles like “10 Deadliest Sharks,” “Killer Sharks,” and “When Fish Attack 3”), it’s an excellent moment to reflect on the other reasons to be fascinated by sharks. Sure, many […]

August 9, 2011
Appeals court throws out challenge to clean water settlement

(Photo: Anabaenaalgae bloom in Caloosahatchee River at Franklin Lock, June 17, 2008) A federal appeals court today struck down a challenge filed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and several chemical companies and upheld a clean water settlement between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and conservation groups.  The 2009 settlement requires EPA to set limits on sewage, […]

August 9, 2011
Queensland dugongs ‘starving to death’

Queensland’s dugong population in decline after summer floods. Photo: Supplied Miranda Forster August 8, 201. The Sydney Morning Herald More dugongs have died this year than in all of 2010 because of Queensland’s summer of disasters. Ninety-six of the sea mammals washed up dead on the state’s coastline in the first seven months of this […]

August 9, 2011
Study: Severe Low Temperatures Devastate Coral Reefs In Florida Keys; ‘Extreme Cold Is Just One Stressor Among Many’

by Underwatertimes.com News Service – August 8, 2011 ATHENS, Georgia — Increased seawater temperatures are known to be a leading cause of the decline of coral reefs all over the world. Now, researchers at the University of Georgia have found that extreme low temperatures affect certain corals in much the same way that high temperatures […]

August 3, 2011
White House Receives Blueprint for Bringing Gulf of Mexico Back to Health

As Senators consider bill on oil spill penalties, conservationists urge lawmakers to invest fines in Gulf’s natural systems and communities that need them WASHINGTON, Aug. 1, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Leading conservation groups working across the Gulf of Mexico have submitted to the White House a blueprint for action that federal, state and local governments can […]

Man And The Last Great Wilderness: Human Impact On The Deep Sea

by Underwatertimes.com News Service – August 1, 2011 19:15 EST WASHINGTON, D.C. — The oceans cover 71% of our planet, with over half with a depth greater than 3000 m. Although our knowledge is still very limited, we know that the deep ocean contains a diversity of habitats and ecosystems, supports high biodiversity, and harbors […]

August 3, 2011
Pacific Island Nations Call For World’s Largest Shark Sanctuary; ‘Now We Can Have Balance’

by Underwatertimes.com News Service – August 2, 2011 17:19 EST WASHINGTON, D.C. — An area covering over two million square miles of the western Pacific Ocean, two-thirds of the land area of the United States, is slated to become the world’s largest shark sanctuary and the first one ever created through a regional agreement among […]