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June 27, 2011
More Than 300 New Species Discovered in the Philippines

Science Daily (June 24, 2011) — This spring, scientists from the California Academy of Sciences braved leeches, lionfish, whip-scorpions and a wide variety of other biting and stinging creatures to lead the most comprehensive scientific survey effort ever conducted in the Philippines, documenting both terrestrial and marine life forms from the tops of the highest […]

June 24, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: June 24, 2011 – Spinner Shark

Coral Reef Fact: The spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna) is named for its feeding strategy. “When feeding on schools of forage fish, they will speed vertically through the school while spinning on their axis, erupting from the water at the end.” FACT SOURCE: Wikipedia Join Reef Relief today and help protect our astounding marine world. www. […]

June 24, 2011
Marine Turtle Movements Tracked

ScienceDaily (June 23, 2011) — A University of Exeter team has monitored the movements of an entire sub-population of marine turtle for the first time. The study confirms that through satellite tracking we can closely observe the day-to-day lives of marine turtles, accurately predicting their migrations and helping direct conservation efforts. Read the full article

How Gulf Spill Estimates Got It So Wrong

Marine oil spills are usually measured by the amount of oil floating on the surface. But the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico—from a deep-sea well required a different approach. Find out how one fluid-dynamics expert caused estimates to rise sharply practically overnight. © 2011 National Geographic; partially funded by NSF UNEDITED TRANSCRIPT ONE […]

June 24, 2011
Australia’s Ningaloo coast added to Unesco’s World Heritage List

Maev Kennedy. guardian.co.uk, Friday 24 June 2011 15.19 BST The Ningaloo coast in Australia, a vast complex of reefs, caves, streams and shallow waters, and the Kenya lake system in the great rift valley in Africa, an area of outstanding beauty and home to 13 threatened bird species, are the latest sites to be added […]

June 23, 2011
Ocean Fact: June 23, 2011 – Wahoo

Ocean Fact: Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) “are among the fastest pelagic” (open ocean)” species (reaching speeds up to 60 mph)”. FACT SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahoo Join Reef Relief today and help protect our marine world. www.reefrelief.org/act/donate

June 21, 2011
Over 900 species added to endangered list during past year

From: Jeremy Hance, MONGABAY.COM, Published June 20, 2011 06:45 AM The past twelve months have seen 914 species added to the threatened list by the world’s authority of species endangerment, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s Red List. Over 19,000 species are now classified in one of three threatened categories, i.e. Vulnerable, […]

June 20, 2011
Save Our Hawaiian Monk Seals

Take action now to speak up for the world’s most endangered marine mammal: the Hawaiian monk seal. The federal government has proposed to expand habitat protections to include important foraging areas and vast reaches of Hawaii’s coastline. Poised to gain new habitat protections in the Hawaiian Islands, the seal’s possibility of recovery just stepped up […]

June 17, 2011
Coral Reef Facts: June 17, 2011 -Slipper lobster

Coral Reef Facts: Slipper lobsters are a family of decapod crustaceans found in all warm oceans and seas. Despite their name, they are not true lobsters, but are more closely related to spiny lobsters and furry lobsters.” They “are instantly recognizable by their enlarged antennae, which project forward from the head as wide plates.” This […]

June 16, 2011
The Unfulfilled Promise of the World’s Marine Protected Areas

Biologists and conservationists maintain that establishing marine reserves — areas where fishing is off-limits or severely restricted — offers the best hope for recovery for our overstressed oceans. So why is such a small area of the world’s oceans protected? by Bruce Barcott. Yale Environment 360 This week the National Marine Protected Areas Center, a […]