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Speak Up Against Offshore Drilling- Oceana Action Alert

Protect seals, sea turtles and whales from future spills Last summer, we saw the devastation of oil spills. Birds and turtles covered in oil. Fishermen out of work. Even now, dead dolphins are washing ashore and cleanup workers are complaining of lingering headaches, nausea, and memory loss. Where there is drilling, spills are inevitable. But […]

April 21, 2011
Contact Your Legislators to Protect Our Coastal and Aquatic Areas

The Florida Legislature has released plans to cut essential funding that supports protection and conservation of Florida’s Aquatic Preserves. This program has already been cut 25% by the Legislature over the last three years. The current proposed cut of over $1 million in state funds is an additional 15% reduction that will close six Aquatic […]

Tell Congress to implement the recommendations to prevent another Gulf oil disaster

The Deepwater Horizon explosion, which killed 11 men and sent approximately 170 million gallons of oil into one of America’s most productive fishing grounds, was a national tragedy. To determine what went so terribly wrong, and to find out how to make sure such a disaster never happens again, President Obama appointed a bipartisan commission […]

February 15, 2011
Tell your senators to support S. 79 & Clean Water

In December, EWG published the first national investigation of the suspected carcinogen chromium-6 — also known as hexavalent chromium — in drinking wa ter in 35 cities around the country.  Recently, Senators Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., introduced Senate Bill 79, the Protecting Pregnant Women and Children From Hexavalent Chromium Act of 2011. […]