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June 19, 2015
Thanks Red Dress Hashers

  A huge thanks to the Dockside Tropical Cafe in Marathon and all the organizers of the Red Dress Hash. They raised $560 for Reef Relief. Thanks for supporting our work for coral reef conservation!  

Fracking bill passes Florida House over fierce Democratic opposition

April 27, 2015 . The Florida House passed its own hydraulic oil fracturing bill on Monday, saying it would provide a framework to regulate the burgeoning industry while Democrats fiercely denounced the proposed law, saying it put out the welcome mat for fracking in environmental sensitive areas such as the Big Cypress Preserve. The bill […]

ACTION ALERT: Tell EPA to pass strong new regulations on oil dispersants

EARTHJUSTICE ACTION ALERT: Almost 2 million gallons of toxic chemical dispersants were dumped in the Gulf of Mexico during the 2010 BP drilling disaster, to ”clean up“ the oil spill. Yet five years later, it’s clear that the chemicals didn’t get rid of the oil. Instead, they pushed much of it down under the surface, […]

April 14, 2015
1st Annual Dockside Tropical Cafe Red Dress Hash to Benefit Reef Relief

June 12-14, 2015 Marathon, FL COST: $27.08 (cash discounted price of $25.00) WHERE: Dockside Tropical Cafe, 35 Sombrero Blvd, Marathon, FL 33050 TIME: 4:00 COST: $25 per person. WHAT YOU GET: Beer, Drinks, Food, Goody Bag, Live Entertainment, Red Dress Run  To register visit: QUESTIONS?: Contact Mu-Sick, aka Capt Dennis Gill, [email protected] Schedule of events: […]

April 14, 2015
Interview With Dr. Guy Harvey Dr. Guy Harvey is a self-made artist, an accomplished marine scientist who is heavily involved in conservation efforts, as well as a successful business owner. His brand has become widely recognized throughout the country, and indeed in far-flung destinations around the world. Now, in a partnership with Gainesville Coins, Guy Harvey’s original artwork will […]

April 8, 2015
Coral Camp Registration is now open!

Register today weeks are filling up fast.

2015 Blue Vision Summit

                           Blue Vision Summits bring ocean conservation leaders together every two years to network, build the blue movement and meet with the Administration and Congress to restore the blue in our red, white and blue.  This spring some 500 people from local, regional and national groups, scientists, explorers and others will attend the Summit […]

March 19, 2015
Coral Camp is back!

CORAL CAMP REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! Visit for more information or to download the registration form.

Rally in Tallahassee Tells Legislators “We Want Clean Water”

                (Tallahassee, FL) –Wednesday, February 18, 2015 About 300 people gathered at the Historic Capitol to support clean water in Florida and to tell legislators that they “WE WANT CLEAN WATER” and the best way to get it is to “BUY THE LAND”.  Chants of “Amendment 1 Is […]