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December 14, 2011
Coral Reef Fact: Caribbean Reef Octopus

Coral Reef Fact: Caribbean Reef Octopus (Octopus briareus) can change its appearance from crimson to green, and bumpy to smooth. Learn more: http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Caribbean_Reef_Octopus Help protect our amazing marine world today donate at https://www.reefrelief.org/act/donate

December 13, 2011
Coral Reef Fact: Queen Conch December 13, 2011

Coral Reef Fact: Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) can live up to 40 years, but the normal life span is estimated at between 20 and 30 years. Help protect our marine world today donate at https://www.reefrelief.org/act/donate Fact source: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/invertebrates/queenconch.htm

December 1, 2011
Reef Fact: December 1, 2011- Parrotfish

Reef Fact: The queen parrotfish (Scarus vetula) is one of the many parrotfish species that secrete a mucus cocoon before they sleep to help hide their scent from predators. Help protect reef species by joining Reef Relief today www.reefrelief.org/act/donate   Fact source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parrotfish

Help support Reef Relief by purchasing Terry Tamminen’s latest book Watercolors: How JJ the Whale Saved Us

NOVEMBER 15, 2011 Watercolors is a compelling and riveting true story about the rescue of JJ the Whale, a day old gray whale that was found abandoned in Marina del Rey, California.  Tamminen tells an educational, moving, and remarkable story as he takes us through his incredible journey and the set-backs he encountered.  But most […]

September 6, 2011
Reef Relief’s Coral Camp for Kids Summer of 2011

Coral Camp for Kids for this past summer was a huge success as we saw our classes filled to capacity every week beginning in June and ending on Friday, August 19th.  We saw a 30% increase in the number of Coral Campers this year as opposed to last years numbers.  Coral Camp for Kids was […]

August 9, 2011
Reef Fact: 8/9/11-Polka-dot Batfish

Reef Fact: The POLKA-DOT BATFISH (Ogcocephalus cubifrons) maybe a slow fish but it has an unique fishing advantage. Below its snout is a fin that has become modified into a moveable spine used to lure prey within striking distance. Join Reef Relief today and help protect our marine world. www.reefrelief.org/act/donate Fact source: http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/gallery/Descript/Batfish/Batfish.htm

August 9, 2011
Some Cool Things About Sharks

By Christine Hoekenga. posted www.speakupfortheblue.com Shark Week on Discovery Channel is winding down, and as the final credits roll for this year’s toothy line-up (including predictable titles like “10 Deadliest Sharks,” “Killer Sharks,” and “When Fish Attack 3”), it’s an excellent moment to reflect on the other reasons to be fascinated by sharks. Sure, many […]

July 29, 2011
Raising Earth Savers: Five Ways To Raise Children Who Live Green, Eco-Minded Lifestyles

by GREENWISE on JULY, 2011 This is a guest post by Lydia-Quibbin Jones Children nowadays are becoming less in-tune with the environment. With modern technology crammed in every aspect of their lives, it’s so easy for the little ones to get sucked into a vortex of indifference and completely forget about nature. This is sad […]

July 27, 2011
Coral Camp still has openings for its final weeks

This is an unique opportunity for children 6-12 years of age to learn about coastal environments, the basics of ocean ecology, and threats facing the survival of these ecosystems. Coral Camp is an interactive nature-based educational summer camp experience. Camp activities include visits to NOAA’s Nancy Foster Eco-Discovery Center, the Key West Aquarium, Fort Zachary […]