Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer molestie mattis faucibus. Donec accumsan orci mi, ac dapibus turpis scelerisque non. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer molestie mattis faucibus. Donec accumsan orci mi, ac dapibus turpis scelerisque non. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer molestie mattis faucibus. Donec accumsan orci mi, ac dapibus turpis scelerisque non. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer molestie mattis faucibus. Donec accumsan orci mi, ac dapibus turpis scelerisque non.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer molestie mattis faucibus. Donec accumsan orci mi, ac dapibus turpis scelerisque non.
By LIZETTE ALVAREZ. Published: September 8, 2013. New York Times CLEWISTON, Fla. — On wind-whipped days when rain pounds this part of South Florida, people are quickly reminded that Lake Okeechobee, with its vulnerable dike and polluted waters, has become a giant environmental problem far beyond its banks. Beginning in May, huge downpours ushered in […]
By HENRY FOUNTAIN. Published: August 19, 2013. New York Times An analysis of water, sediment and seafood samples taken in 2010 during and after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has found higher contamination levels in some cases than previous studies by federal agencies did, casting doubt on some of the earlier sampling […]
Urgent need to complete Everglades clean-up plan By Miami Herald Editorial. Monday, 08.05.13 It’s happening again, and it’s bad. Billions of gallons of foul brown water are being flushed into two South Florida rivers to lower Lake Okeechobee and protect the Herbert Hoover Dike during hurricane season. Two lovely estuary systems, the Caloosahatchee River […]
There are now more ways to follow Reef Relief online. tumblr http://www.tumblr.com/follow/reefrelieforg Pinterest http://pinterest.com/reefrelief/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/reefrelief Twitter https://twitter.com/reefrelief
Wendy Koch, USA TODAY. July 29, 201 A rise in sea levels threatens the viability of more than 1,400 cities and towns, including Miami, Virginia Beach and Jacksonville, unless there are deep cuts in heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions, says an analysis out Monday. Prior emissions have already locked in 4 feet of future sea-level rise […]
BY GWEN FILOSA. Key West Citizen. July 31, 2013. [email protected] The nonprofit Reef Relief has announced it opposes channel dredging in Key West based on the 2010 Army Corps of Engineers study that predicted such a project would have a "significant negative effect on environmental quality" and harm coral along 17 acres. "We […]
By CURTIS MORGAN [email protected] With Lake Okeechobee two feet too high and still rising after a month of heavy rain and far-off Tropical Storm Dorian posing a potential but highly uncertain threat, federal engineers on Thursday cranked opened the flood gates on the big lake, spilling tens of billions of gallons of polluted water down […]