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July 1, 2011
‘Shocking’ state of seas threatens mass extinction, say marine experts

Overfishing and pollution putting fish, sharks and whales in extreme danger – with extinction ‘inevitable’, study finds Fiona Harvey, environment correspondent.,Monday 20 June 2011 19.21 BST Fish, sharks, whales and other marine species are in imminent danger of an “unprecedented” and catastrophic extinction event at the hands of humankind, and are disappearing at a […]

July 1, 2011
U.S. Polluted Beach Closings, Warnings Spiked in 2010

WASHINGTON, DC, June 29, 2011 (ENS) – Polluted stormwater runoff and sewage overflows carrying oil, and human and animal waste fouled beaches around the country in 2010, causing the second-highest number of closing and advisory days in more than two decades, finds the Natural Resources Defense Council in its annual beachwater quality report issued today. […]

July 1, 2011
Within One Cubic Foot: Guess how many organisms you’ll find in a cube of soil or sea.

By Edward O. Wilson. National Geographic Photograph by David Liittschwager   When you thrust a shovel into the soil or tear off a piece of coral, you are, godlike, cutting through an entire world. You have crossed a hidden frontier known to very few. Immediately close at hand, around and beneath our feet, lies the […]

Warming oceans cause largest movement of marine species in two million years

By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent. 6:45AM BST 26 Jun 2011 Warming ocean waters are causing the largest movement of marine species seen on Earth in more than two million years, according to scientists. In the Arctic, melting sea ice during recent summers has allowed a passage to open up from the Pacific ocean into the […]

June 29, 2011
6 Child Environmentalists That Have Already Changed the World

by Blythe Copeland, Great Neck, New York Sometimes it takes the simple clarity of a child to change the world as we know it. Among all the social change, political maneuvering, and serious issues facing the environment today, there are plenty of savvy kids taking matters into their own hands: Coming up with plans to […]

June 29, 2011
Rare Deep-Water Giant Squid From South Florida Brought To UF

by News Service – June 28, 2011 21:59 EST GAINSVILLE, Florida — University of Florida researchers received a rare 25-foot-long, deep-water giant squid Monday, the only one of its kind in the collections of the Florida Museum of Natural History. Recovered by recreational fishermen who found the creature floating on the surface about 12 […]

June 27, 2011
Latest US Water Policy News

Circle of Blue. The Federal Water Tap 6/27/11 Taking the EPA’s Authority Away A House committee approved a bill that would gut much of the EPA’s power to enforce clean water standards. The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act, approved by the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, would transfer regulatory power over water, wetlands and mountaintop mining […]

June 27, 2011
More Than 300 New Species Discovered in the Philippines

Science Daily (June 24, 2011) — This spring, scientists from the California Academy of Sciences braved leeches, lionfish, whip-scorpions and a wide variety of other biting and stinging creatures to lead the most comprehensive scientific survey effort ever conducted in the Philippines, documenting both terrestrial and marine life forms from the tops of the highest […]

June 24, 2011
Marine Turtle Movements Tracked

ScienceDaily (June 23, 2011) — A University of Exeter team has monitored the movements of an entire sub-population of marine turtle for the first time. The study confirms that through satellite tracking we can closely observe the day-to-day lives of marine turtles, accurately predicting their migrations and helping direct conservation efforts. Read the full article

June 24, 2011
Australia’s Ningaloo coast added to Unesco’s World Heritage List

Maev Kennedy., Friday 24 June 2011 15.19 BST The Ningaloo coast in Australia, a vast complex of reefs, caves, streams and shallow waters, and the Kenya lake system in the great rift valley in Africa, an area of outstanding beauty and home to 13 threatened bird species, are the latest sites to be added […]