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June 21, 2011
Over 900 species added to endangered list during past year

From: Jeremy Hance, MONGABAY.COM, Published June 20, 2011 06:45 AM The past twelve months have seen 914 species added to the threatened list by the world’s authority of species endangerment, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s Red List. Over 19,000 species are now classified in one of three threatened categories, i.e. Vulnerable, […]

June 16, 2011
The Unfulfilled Promise of the World’s Marine Protected Areas

Biologists and conservationists maintain that establishing marine reserves — areas where fishing is off-limits or severely restricted — offers the best hope for recovery for our overstressed oceans. So why is such a small area of the world’s oceans protected? by Bruce Barcott. Yale Environment 360 This week the National Marine Protected Areas Center, a […]

June 15, 2011
Watching Google Earth over time could show the effects of predator removal

Watching Google Earth over time could show the effects of predator removal, such as through fishing, nearly anywhere on Earth, according to a study published this week in Scientific Reports. A Google Earth image survey of the lagoon habitat at Heron Island within Australia’s Great Barrier Reef revealed distinct halo patterns within algal beds surrounding […]

June 15, 2011
Demon Fish’: New Book Explores The Hidden World Of Sharks (PHOTOS)

The Huffington Post Posted: 06-14-11 12:24 PM “Demon Fish: Travels Through The Hidden World Of Sharks” is a new book that explores the way humans and cultures around the world interact with the ocean’s top predator. Written by Juliet Eilperin, national environment report for The Washington Post, the book gives an up-close look at understanding […]

June 10, 2011
Taking Steps Toward Marine and Coastal Ecosystem-Based Management An Introductory Guide

New Partnerships Needed to Ensure Future of Marine Environments: UN On World Oceans Day, UN Environment Programme Launches Guide to Ecosystem-based Management Nairobi, 8 June 2011 – Declines in marine and coastal ecosystems due to human activities such as overfishing and pollution could be reversed if organisations, communities and other stakeholders adopt a more integrated […]

June 10, 2011
Group: McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish To Carry Questionable Eco-Label; ‘Made From A Controversial Fish’

WASHINGTON, D.C — Statement by Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director, Food & Water Europe: Brussels, Belgium – “It is deeply disturbing that McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwich will soon carry the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) eco-label at the fast food chain’s European locations. Filet-O-Fish sandwiches are made from a controversial fish, the New Zealand hoki — a species […]

June 9, 2011
Greenpeace voices concerns over Pacific deep-sea mining

PHOTO Exploratory mining licences have been granted for waters off Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Tonga and Solomon Islands. [ABC: file photo] Last Updated: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 07:47:00 +1000 Environmental lobby group Greenpeace has raised concerns that deep-seabed mining in the Pacific ocean may cause irreparable damage to the region’s marine ecosystems. Exploratory licences have […]

June 8, 2011
National Geographic’s 10 Things You Can Do to Save the Ocean

1. Mind Your Carbon Footprint and Reduce Energy Consumption Reduce the effects of climate change on the ocean by leaving the car at home when you can and being conscious of your energy use at home and work. A few things you can do to get started today: Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs, take […]

Events  News 
June 8, 2011
After Earth Day, Celebrate the Other 71% with World Oceans Day

by David McGuire • June 8th, 2011 In April, people across the USA and the world celebrated the beauty of nature, our rivers and mountains, and wildlife. The original Earth Day was inspired by founder Gaylord Nelson, former U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, after witnessing the devastation of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, […]

June 6, 2011
So Much More Than Plasma and Poison

By NATALIE ANGIER . The New York Times. Published: June 6, 2011 BALTIMORE — Until I met Doug Allen, the wiry, ponytailed senior aquarist who guided me through the extremely popular jellyfish exhibit at the National Aquarium, my personal experience with jellyfish consisted mainly of using them as yet another excuse not to go swimming: […]