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December 1, 2010
Reef Relief Applaudes Sec. Interior Ban Drilling Off Eastern Gulf‏

Statement Reef Relief; In response to Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar’s announcement today to postpone further consideration of offshore drilling or leasing in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico for seven years, Reef Relief, a Florida based environmental organization, praised his decision and hopes to continue this moratorium indefinitely, until all assurances can be made to […]

November 30, 2010
New Rule Prohibits Vessel Sewage Discharge into Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Waters

A new NOAA rule will prohibit boaters from discharging or depositing sewage into all waters of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The rule, which takes effect on December 27, also requires that vessel marine sanitation devices are secured to prevent discharges within sanctuary boundaries. Read the full story Click here for a map of […]

November 23, 2010
Interesting Education Resource on Oil Spill & Gulf of Mexico Ecosystems

Lessons from the Deep: Exploring the Gulf of Mexico’s Deep-Sea Ecosystems Ed Materials

November 22, 2010
Returning to the scene of the grime

EAST GRAND TERRE ISLAND, La. — At the end of an oil-stained sandy spit, four researchers cautiously approached a pair of black and white birds with comically long orange beaks. Read the full article

November 12, 2010
You can now follow Reef Relief on Twitter

For the latest Reef Relief updates follow us on Twitter at!/reefrelief

October 29, 2010
Sharks are dwindling, but important to Florida ecology

October 26, 2010
Palau Declares South Pacific Sanctuary for Whales, Dolphins

NAGOYA, Aichi, Japan, October 25, 2010 (ENS) – The South Pacific island nation of Palau has declared all the waters within its Exclusive Economic Zone to be a marine mammal sanctuary for the protection of whales, dolphins, and dugongs. Read the full story

October 21, 2010
Worst Coral Death Strikes at Southeast Asia

ScienceDaily (Oct. 21, 2010) — International marine scientists say that a huge coral death which has struck Southeast Asian and Indian Ocean reefs over recent months has highlighted the urgency of controlling global carbon emissions. Read the full article

October 20, 2010
Caribbean Coral Die-Off Could Be Worst Ever

Scientists studying Caribbean reefs say that 2010 may be the worst year ever for coral death there. Abnormally warm water since June appears to have dealt a blow to shallow and deep-sea corals that is likely to top the devastation of 2005, when 80% of corals were bleached and as many as 40% died in […]

October 20, 2010
Florida Marine Lab ‘Releases’ Coral Fragments in Keys Reef Restocking

Sarasota, FL – On Wednesday, Oct. 13, scientists with Mote Marine Laboratory released corals of four species at two sites in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The release, permitted by Sanctuary officials and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, is designed to test the feasibility of using corals grown in land-based raceways and recirculating […]