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September 25, 2013
Collective rights ‘offer hope for global fisheries’

By Mark Kinver Environment reporter, BBC News. 24 September 2013 Collective community-based rights could put the world's fisheries on a sustainable footing after decades of over-exploitation, an expert suggests. Previous management regimes had failed to protect both the industry and fish stocks' long-term future, explained Ragnar Arnason from Iceland University. Communities would act like "shareholders", ensuring […]

September 24, 2013
Local action for our coasts and ocean

 [flagallery gid=13 name=Gallery] Reef Relief would like to thank everyone who helped make this years International Coastal Cleanup a success. Volunteers took local action to heart on Saturday September 21st and 22nd by cleaning the shores of No Name Key and Archer Key. The combined total of these cleanups was over 1000 lbs. Volunteers removed […]

August 19, 2013
Weekday Shoreline Cleanup

Thursday, August 29th 10:00 am -1:00 pm Hurricane Hole Marina   Volunteers are needed to help make our shores safe for wildlife and more beautiful. This is a weekday cleanup so those of you that are weekend workers can make this one. Wear clothes that can get wet/dirty and shoes that can stay on in […]

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Regulations: Addition Resourcess

Additional Information Additional Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Regulations Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Administration and Legislation Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Regulations, 15 CFR Parts 922, 929, and 937 (Federal Register, Vol. 62, No. 113, Thursday, June 12, 1997) (pdf, 107 kb) Amendment to Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Regulations Revising the Boundary of […]

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Regulations: Zone-specific

Zone-specific Regulations Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary established the nation’s first comprehensive network of marine zones in 1997 after years of planning, design, and public input. The marine zoning plan for the Sanctuary includes five types of zones with varying levels of protection: Ecological Reserves, Sanctuary Preservation Areas, Wildlife Management Areas, Existing Management Areas, and […]

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Regulations: Sanctuary-wide

Sanctuary-wide Regulations Regulations that apply throughout the entire area of the sanctuary, both in highly protected areas and general-use areas, have a focus on habitat protection, reducing threats to water quality, and minimizing human impact to delicate resources. Note that the text below is intended as summary only; for the full text of sanctuary regulations, […]

How to Become an Environmentally Safe Diver Online Divng Magazine When you begin diving one of the most important aspects is an understanding of the environment and respect for it. With just a bit of knowledge of respecting the environment, divers can leave a positive impact. Each year scuba diving is becoming more and more popular all around the world. Due […]

July 22, 2013
Man cited for taking five conchs from Keys water

By KeysNet Staff. July 20, 2013 A Jupiter man faces a misdemeanor resource charge after a state marine officer discovered he had taken five queen conchs from the waters of Higgs Beach in Key West on Thursday. Queen conchs used to be plentiful but overfishing led to a state law banning their commercial harvest in […]

June 28, 2013
NOAA seeks public input on nomination process for potential new marine sanctuaries

Contact: Vernon Smith, 301-713-7248 Keeley Belva, 301-643-6463 NOAA is seeking public input on a proposed process and associated criteria to evaluate potential new national marine sanctuaries in the nation's marine and Great Lakes environments. A humpback whale feeds in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. NOAA will finalize the proposed process and criteria upon receiving public […]