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September 6, 2011
Proposed Amendment Would Ban Near-Shore Drilling

By: David Royse News Service of Florida | Posted: September 1, 2011 3:55 2 A Tampa Democrat has filed a Senate version of a proposed constitutional amendment to ban oil drilling within about 10 miles of Florida’s coastline. The proposed amendment (SJR 90), filed Tuesday by Sen. Arthenia Joyner, matches a House version (HJR 23) […]

August 3, 2011
White House Receives Blueprint for Bringing Gulf of Mexico Back to Health

As Senators consider bill on oil spill penalties, conservationists urge lawmakers to invest fines in Gulf’s natural systems and communities that need them WASHINGTON, Aug. 1, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Leading conservation groups working across the Gulf of Mexico have submitted to the White House a blueprint for action that federal, state and local governments can […]

Man And The Last Great Wilderness: Human Impact On The Deep Sea

by News Service – August 1, 2011 19:15 EST WASHINGTON, D.C. — The oceans cover 71% of our planet, with over half with a depth greater than 3000 m. Although our knowledge is still very limited, we know that the deep ocean contains a diversity of habitats and ecosystems, supports high biodiversity, and harbors […]

Landrieu, Shelby Lead Bipartisan Introduction of Bill to Restore Gulf Coast

The State Column | Staff | Thursday, July 28, 2011 U.S. Senators Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., and Richard Shelby, R-Ala., today introduced legislation that calls for dedicating at least 80% of BP penalties paid under the Clean Water Act (CWA) to Gulf states to invest in the long-term health of the coastal ecosystem and its […]

Study: Changes to ocean expected to damage shellfish around world

By Shelby Lin Erdman, CNN. July 18, 2011 (CNN) — Massive global greenhouse gas pollution is changing the chemistry of the world’s oceans so much that scientists now predict it could severely damage shellfish populations and the nations that depend on the harvests if significant action isn’t taken. A new study from the Woods Hole […]

Scientists Analyze, Explain the Chemical Makeup of Gulf Plume

by News Service – July 18, 2011 19:52 EST ScienceDaily (July 18, 2011) — Taking another major step in sleuthing the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, a research team led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) has determined what chemicals were contained in a deep, hydrocarbon-containing plume at least 22 miles long that […]

One in 10 Species Could Face Extinction

ScienceDaily (July 12, 2011) — One in 10 species could face extinction by the year 2100 if current climate change impacts continue. This is the result of University of Exeter research, examining studies on the effects of recent climate change on plant and animal species and comparing this with predictions of future declines. Published in […]

Warming oceans cause largest movement of marine species in two million years

By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent. 6:45AM BST 26 Jun 2011 Warming ocean waters are causing the largest movement of marine species seen on Earth in more than two million years, according to scientists. In the Arctic, melting sea ice during recent summers has allowed a passage to open up from the Pacific ocean into the […]

How Gulf Spill Estimates Got It So Wrong

Marine oil spills are usually measured by the amount of oil floating on the surface. But the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico—from a deep-sea well required a different approach. Find out how one fluid-dynamics expert caused estimates to rise sharply practically overnight. © 2011 National Geographic; partially funded by NSF UNEDITED TRANSCRIPT ONE […]