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Declare War On Climate Change. We demand President Obama and Congress accept Climate Change as an enemy of the people.

We petition the obama administration to: We, the people, demand the President of the United States and it's legislative body recognize Climate Change as great and Grave a threat to this nation as they would any other aggressive enemy. We demand that the President and Congress act against Climate Change as they have acted against […]

January 13, 2013
Attend a Hearing to Save 66 Corals

The government has set up a number of hearings to discuss the 66 corals proposed for endangered species protections. Please attend a public meeting in your area and give your support the proposed coral protections. It's a great opportunity to learn what the coral listings will mean and also build support within your community to […]

Report on state business climate cites need for energy and environmental planning

Bruce Ritchie, 01/02/2013 – 04:13 PM. A Florida Department of Economic Opportunity report on the state's business climate is calling for a statewide strategy to ensure adequate future water supplies and for a statewide energy strategy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.  The Legislature in 2011 passed bills reducing state oversight of local government […]

US scientists’ consensus – Climate change is already having major effects on ecosystems and species Emerging consensus shows climate change is already having major effects on ecosystems and species December 2012. Plant and animal species are shifting their geographic ranges and the timing of their life events – such as flowering, laying eggs or migrating – at faster rates than researchers documented just a few years ago, according to […]

A Glimmer of Hope for Coral Reefs

by Dennis Normile on 7 January 2013, 3:10 PM. Science Now Climate change is expected to devastate coral reefs, as warmer oceans are believed to be inhospitable to corals. But corals may be more robust than commonly thought. A number of studies have found coral colonies that endure high water temperatures. Now, a team of […]

Reef port expansion not justified: WWF

PUBLISHED: 04 Jan 2013 07:56:26 | UPDATED: 04 Jan 2013 08:32:40. author: Patrick Caruana The Queensland government's own figures show the building of new coal ports in and near the Great Barrier Reef is not necessary, environmentalists say. WWF Australia said the state government's Great Barrier Reef Ports Strategy Economic Analysis showed coal ports in […]

NOAA proposes listing 66 reef-building coral species under the Endangered Species Act

NOAA press release: November 30, 2012 In compliance with a federal court ordered deadline, and consistent with existing international protections, NOAA Fisheries announced today that it is proposing Endangered Species Act (ESA) listings for 66 coral species, including 59 in the Pacific and seven in the Caribbean. This science-based proposal is more limited than the […]

Lawsuit Targets $3 Billion in U.S. Funding for Fossil Fuel Project in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

From: Editor, Center for Biological Diversity Published December 14, 2012 08:52 AM Conservation groups filed a lawsuit today challenging the U.S. Export-Import Bank's nearly $3 billion in financing for a massive Australian fossil fuel facility in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Construction and operation of the liquefied natural gas facility will threaten sea […]

Wind and Solar Power Paired With Storage Could Power Grid 99.9 Percent of the Time

Science Daily Dec. 10, 2012 — Renewable energy could fully power a large electric grid 99.9 percent of the time by 2030 at costs comparable to today's electricity expenses, according to new research by the University of Delaware and Delaware Technical Community College. A well-designed combination of wind power, solar power and storage in batteries […]

Ocean-grabbing threatens the food security of entire communities

From: Olivier De Schutter, Ecologist, Published November 15, 2012 08:43 AM All over the world, food systems and the ecosystems they rely on are coming under pressure from the over-exploitation of natural resources. But nowhere are these impacts occurring as rapidly and dramatically as in the world’s oceans. Between 1970 and 1990, buoyed by […]