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November 19, 2012
Nigeria Exxon spill spreads for miles along coast

By Tife Owolabi. Reuters IBENO, Nigeria | Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:51am EST (Reuters) – An oil spill at an ExxonMobil facility offshore from the Niger Delta has spread at least 20 miles from its source, coating waters used by fishermen in a film of sludge. A Reuters reporter visiting several parts of Akwa Ibom […]

Join the National Twitter Day of Action to #makeBPpay

Greetings! Our national #makeBPpay Twitter Day of Action is finally here! All day long, we’re asking people to send tweets to @BP_America demanding they pay the maximum fines for which they are liable for the 2010 gulf oil spill. Despite BP’s advertising campaigns to the contrary, the gulf is still suffering from the spill. Last […]

Florida Officials and Scientists Urge Presidential Candidates to Address Sea-Level Rise

By ClimateWire , Evan Lehmann and Christa Marshall. October 15, 2012 More than 120 Florida officials and scientists sent a letter to the campaigns of President Obama and Mitt Romney last week, urging the candidates to address sea-level rise in their final debate and during tours of the state. The action comes at a time […]

Norway is to double carbon tax on its oil industry and set up a fund to help combat the damaging impacts of climate change

Severin Carrell, Scotland correspondent., Thursday 11 October 2012 08.52 EDT Norway is to double carbon tax on its North Sea oil industry and set up a £1bn fund to help combat the damaging impacts of climate change in the developing world. In one of the most radical climate programmes yet by an oil-producing nation, […]

Crown of Thorns is a symptom of reef decline: let’s address the cause

Terry Hughes, ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies James Cook University. 3 October 2012, A recent report on coral loss from the Great Barrier Reef has pointed the finger at cyclones and Crown of Thorns starfish. The real culprit is human activity, and until we reduce port activity and pollution, coral will […]

October 5, 2012
Ocean acidification emerges as new climate threat

By Juliet Eilperin, Published: September 30, 2012 HOMER, Alaska — Kris Holderied, who directs the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Kasitsna Bay Laboratory, says the ocean’s increasing acidity is “the reason fishermen stop me in the grocery store.”“They say, ‘You’re with the NOAA lab, what are you doing on ocean acidification?’ ” Holderied said. “This is a […]

It’s Not Too Late for Coral Reefs, Experts Say

ScienceDaily (Oct. 3, 2012) — Coral reefs — ecosystems of incredible environmental and economic value — are showing evidence of significant degradation, but do not have to be doomed. We can make a difference. Once plentiful, coral reefs worldwide and locally have been ravaged by a number of stresses, including global threats like rising sea […]

Great Barrier Reef has lost half its corals since 1985, new study says

By Juliet Eilperin, Published: October 1, 2012. Washington Post Australia’s Great Barrier Reef has lost more than half its coral cover since 1985, according to a new study published Monday. The loss has been spurred by a combination of factors including hurricanes, coral-eating starfish and coral bleaching.The paper, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of […]

October 1, 2012
Gateway pipeline faces endangered species legal action

CBC News.  Sep 26, 2012 7:54 AM PT Several environmental groups are heading to federal court in an attempt to use the Species At Risk Act to block the construction of the Northern Gateway Pipeline. Wilderness Committee policy director Gwen Barlee says the planned pipeline and shipping route would jeopardize Pacific humpback whales, Nechako white […]

Fish Getting Smaller as the Oceans Warm

ScienceDaily (Sep. 30, 2012) — Changes in ocean and climate systems could lead to smaller fish, according to a new study led by fisheries scientists at the University of British Columbia. The study, published September 30 in the journal Nature Climate Change, provides the first-ever global projection of the potential reduction in the maximum size […]