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Social-Ecological Marine Restoration: A New Vision of Benefits for Nature – And People

Posted by The Nature Conservancy in Ocean Views on August 21, 2014. newswatch.nationalgeographic.com By Dr. Michael Beck, lead marine scientist, The Nature Conservancy Location Post: The Gulf of Aqaba. Red Sea reef restoration projects. Last month, I dove on some amazing reef restoration projects that have helped to transform the Gulf of Aqaba. From reducing […]

Sunscreen Chemicals Could Be Hazardous To Marine Phytoplankton

August 22, 2014. redOrbit redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports – Your Universe Online Be careful with the sunscreen the next time you hit the beach for your vacation, as new research appearing in the journal Environmental Science & Technology suggests some ingredients in the protective substance could be harmful to some forms of marine life. […]

August 27, 2014
New Antarctic atlas offers index of marine life

By Jonathan Webb Science reporter, BBC News More than 9,000 species, from single-cell organisms to penguins and whales, are chronicled in the first Antarctic atlas since 1969. The book will be launched by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research at its Open Science Conference in Auckland, New Zealand. Across 66 chapters, the atlas contains around […]

U.N. Draft Report Lists Unchecked Emissions’ Risks

By JUSTIN GILLIS AUG. 26, 2014. New York Times   Runaway growth in the emission of greenhouse gases is swamping all political efforts to deal with the problem, raising the risk of “severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts” over the coming decades, according to a draft of a major new United Nations report. Global warming is […]

August 11, 2014
A Restored Kissimmee River in Sight

Audubon Florida Restore: August 2014   Also, a new fact sheet from Audubon explains the danger of too many nutrients in the Lake Okeechobee Ecosystem. A restored section of the Kissimmee River.   The remarkable Kissimmee River Restoration Project is approaching completion after decades of construction. Agencies are preparing to operate the finished project in the […]

The true cost of your beefburger is much worse than you know

Gidon Eshel. 22nd July 2014. The Ecologist US beef carries a heavy environmental cost in water, land, emissions. But few of us know quite how damaging beef is, writes Gidon Eshel, nor that it is more than five times worse than pork, poultry, eggs or cheese. Isn't it time we did something about it? That […]

July 16, 2014
Can sharks help predict hurricanes?

WFTV – Orlando, Fla. MIAMI —Wednesday, July 16, 2014 Researchers in Florida are testing an unorthodox method of forecasting hurricanes. They're trying to determine if sharks and other large fish can help them reliably predict the deadly storms. Hurricane Charley packed wicked winds and killed more than a dozen people. Ten years and millions of […]

Plastic waste causes USD 13 bln damage to marine ecosystem

From Tracy Gill – NOAA Federal Plastic waste causes USD 13 bln damage to marine ecosystem: UN http://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/plastic-waste-causes-usd-13-bln-damage-to-marine-ecosystem-un-114062400540_1.html Plastic waste causes an annual damage of USD 13 billion to the marine ecosystem, two UN reports have said and underlined the need of recycling and redesigning plastic products to bring multiple green economy benefits. "Plastic contamination […]

May 19, 2014
Study: Turtle Migration Directly Influenced By Ocean Drift Experiences As Hatchlings

by Underwatertimes.com News Service – May 16, 2014 SOUTHAMPTON, England. — New research has found that adult sea-turtle migrations and their selection of feeding sites are directly influenced by their past experiences as little hatchlings adrift in ocean currents. When they breed, adult sea turtles return to the beach where they were born. After breeding, […]

Long-term predictions for Miami sea level rise could be available relatively soon

Date: April 15, 2014 Source: National Science Foundation Miami could know as early as 2020 how high sea levels will rise into the next century, according to a team of researchers including Florida International University scientist Rene Price.   Price is also affiliated with the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research […]