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September 30, 2014
Stop Sugar Hill/Buy the Land Press Conferences

Wednesday, October 1 5-5:30 pm at both locations: In Ft. Myers:  FDEP South District Office, 2295 Victoria Avenue, Ft. Myers, FL 33902 Reef Relief's Vice-President, Dave Kirwin will be speaking for Reef Relief at this event.   In Ft. Pierce:  FDEP Branch Office, 337 N. U.S. Hwy 1, Ft. Pierce, FL 3495 This Friday, Oct. 3, is the deadline […]

September 29, 2014
These artists turn ocean trash into really classy art

By Amelia Urry 27 Sep 2014 8:30 AM The things we are doing to our ocean by and large ain’t pretty. From “plastic soup” to dead albatross babies, we’re stomping through the wild places of the world, leaving a trail of destruction and some really trashy driftwood. But a whole lot of ugly didn’t stop these four artists […]

August 14, 2014
EPA water quality standards and methods related to bacteria in marine waters are evolving

  In 2012, EPA modified its recommended Recreational Water Quality Criteria. In 2013, EPA updated its beach sanitary survey manual. In 2013, EPA developed a rapid microbiological method for ambient waters. Currently, EPA is revising National Beach Guidance and Required Performance Criteria for Grants. Comments are due May 28, 2014. Later in 2014, a public […]

August 14, 2014
Department of Environmental Protection Caloosahatchee TMDL Meeting

 Meeting to receive public comments on:   1) a draft nutrient and dissolved oxygen (DO) total maximum daily load (TMDL) report for impaired waters in the Caloosahatchee River Basin, to be adopted in Rule 62-304.800, F.A.C. and   2) having the nutrient TMDLs, if adopted, constitute site specific numeric interpretations of the narrative nutrient criterion […]

August 11, 2014
A Restored Kissimmee River in Sight

Audubon Florida Restore: August 2014   Also, a new fact sheet from Audubon explains the danger of too many nutrients in the Lake Okeechobee Ecosystem. A restored section of the Kissimmee River.   The remarkable Kissimmee River Restoration Project is approaching completion after decades of construction. Agencies are preparing to operate the finished project in the […]

August 11, 2014
2014 Water Resource Development Act (WRDA)

The 2014 Water Resource Development Act (WRDA) provides an $8.2 billion boost to U.S. ports and waterways and authorized several environmental restoration projects. Four additional CERP projects were authorized for CORPS construction including the C43/Caloosahatchee West Basin Reservoir. , the Broward County WPAs, the Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands project, and the C-111 Spreader Canal. Project: […]

August 11, 2014
Corps releases Central Everglades report for public, state and agency review

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District has released the revised final report for the Central Everglades Planning Project (CEPP) for public, state and agency review today. A notification has been published in the Federal Register announcing the availability of the report for its required 30-day review.  View the notice here: […]

The true cost of your beefburger is much worse than you know

Gidon Eshel. 22nd July 2014. The Ecologist US beef carries a heavy environmental cost in water, land, emissions. But few of us know quite how damaging beef is, writes Gidon Eshel, nor that it is more than five times worse than pork, poultry, eggs or cheese. Isn't it time we did something about it? That […]

Plastic waste causes USD 13 bln damage to marine ecosystem

From Tracy Gill – NOAA Federal Plastic waste causes USD 13 bln damage to marine ecosystem: UN Plastic waste causes an annual damage of USD 13 billion to the marine ecosystem, two UN reports have said and underlined the need of recycling and redesigning plastic products to bring multiple green economy benefits. "Plastic contamination […]

June 3, 2014
Budget includes wastewater money

June 3, 2014 Florida Keys Citizen. Florida Gov. Rick Scott approved $50 million in funding for Florida Keys wastewater projects, as part of the $77 billion state budget Scott signed Monday. Read more