Price: $260.00 for members, $285.00 for non members
Summer Coral Camp:
Registration opens April 1 @ 10:00 AM EST
Week 1: June 2-6
Week 2: June 9-13
Week 3: June 16-20
Week 4: June 23-27
Week 5: July 7-11
Week 6: July 14-18
Week 7: July 21-25
Week 8: July 28-August 1
Week 9: August 4-8
CAMP FEES: Total camp fee is $260.00 for Reef Relief Members, and $285 for non-members. Camp fees include a $50.00 non refundable deposit. The $50.00 non-refundable deposit secures a single space in a single week of camp. The remaining balance may be refunded in the event of cancellation NO LATER than 72 hours before the start of camp (8:30 AM EST that Monday). Due to budget constraints, there are no sibling or multi week discounts.
See the “Become a Member” tab of the website to learn more.
PAYMENT METHODS: If you do not want to pay online you must fill out the paper registration. Remember that children receive a spot in order of the registration/payment that is received.
SCHOLARSHIPS: A limited amount of scholarships will be available. Interested families will be required to fill out a financial form as well as submit a registration form, please leave the payment method blank.
MULTI WEEK: Repeat campers are limited to three weeks per summer.
Does my child need to know how to swim to participate?
Yes. Children must have basic swimming skills as we will be taking them snorkeling in the ocean several days. Snorkeling knowledge is not required as we are able to teach children snorkeling skills during camp.
Does my child need their own snorkeling equipment?
No. Reef Relief has plenty of equipment for campers to borrow during the week. The only thing campers should bring are personal items such as sunscreen, towels, bathing suits, dry clothing, snacks, water bottles, and lunch.
Do the campers wear safety equipment in the water?
Yes. Campers are not allowed to enter the water without wearing a Buoyancy Compensator Device (Snorkel Vest). They are provided by Reef Relief. They do not wear PFD Lifejackets.
Where is camp located?
Pick up and drop off are located at our Educational Center at 631 Greene Street, Key West. Look for the blue awning next to the Conch Republic Seafood Company. You will have to go into a parking lot at the corner of Elizabeth and Greene street.
What happens if I need to cancel my camper’s participation?
Due to the increased popularity of our camp programs we have changed our cancellation policy. Each registration requires a NON REFUNDABLE $50.00 deposit per week per camper in order to secure a spot. If pre paid in full, the remaining balance can be refunded in case of cancellation NO LATER THAN 72 hours before the start of camp (8:30 AM EST the Friday before). If you must cancel due to an unforeseen circumstance such as injury or illness then you may be eligible for a camp credit.
Will I receive a refund in the event that Reef Relief does any cancelation?
While it depends on the situation, most likely no. Reef Relief watches the weather closely, in the event we must cancel a day due to very bad weather (Tropical Storm forecasts) we will not provide a refund for the day missed.
Can I sign my child up for just a few days of camp?
No, campers must attend the full week of camp. While campers may be picked up early, or miss a day later in the week, it is very important that our campers get the full experience.
What does a typical day of camp look like?
Campers will receive several marine science lessons throughout the week on various topics such as Coral Reefs, Oceanography, Sea Turtles, Sharks, Sea Birds, Climate Change, Ecosystems, Deep Sea etc. Our lessons are accompanied by activities, crafts, and experiments. Each day has a field trip to local attractions such as the aquarium, eco discovery center, Key West Marine Park, or Martin Luther King Pool. Three of those field trips are spend on boat trips with local companies.
How do I apply for a scholarship?
You must fill out the scholarship document and the registration document. Please do not try to register online. There are no scholarships available for Spring Break Coral Camp.