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Florida Clean Water Declaration

The Floridians’ Clean Water Declaration is a positive vision to inspire people to work together to create a new water ethic, find solutions to Florida’s water quality and quantity problems, and send a clear message to our water managers that the people of Florida demand clean water.

Floridians’ Clean Water Declaration

In recognition that:

Clean water is essential for healthy people and a healthy economy.

Florida water quality and quantity are inseparably linked.

Florida waters are held in public trust by the State of Florida for the benefit of its people and the maintenance of natural ecosystems.

We the undersigned hereby declare:

The people of Florida have an inalienable right to:

1. Clean drinking water whether that water is drawn from public sources or private wells.
2. Safe lakes, streams, springs, rivers, canals and coastal waters for swimming and fishing.
3. Protection from water pollution and its effects.
4. Know the sources of pollution that threaten Florida’s waters.
5. Protection from water privatization and its effects.
6. Abundant water for drinking, fishing, and recreation.

The people of Florida, the state government, and the industries that benefit from Florida’s natural resources have the responsibility to:

1. Stop pollution at its source rather than allowing it to enter our waters.
2. Protect Florida’s waters, as well as the people who depend on them, from overconsumption and privatization.
3. Protect the natural environment, which is critical to the health of Florida’s people, wildlife, and economy.
4. Provide clean water for future generations.

Sign the Florida Clean Water Declaration here