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As part of our Water Quality Program, Reef Relief leads Storm Drain Stenciling events. You may have seen spray painted signs that say “No Dumping, Drains to Ocean” around storm drains. Our storm drains are meant to keep our streets flood free. This is an important job, but these storm drains are not connected to our sewer system and are unfiltered, meaning anything (including litter and chemicals) dumped into these drains go straight to the ocean. The City of Key West has hundreds of storm drains that release storm water runoff through 63 outfalls with minimal filtration. By adding messaging to these drains, we are able to combat littering / pollution and keep our oceans clean!

Over the years, we have stenciled 813 storm drains with 87 volunteers! Thank you to our volunteers past and future! Check out our events page or social media for upcoming Storm Drain Stenciling Events!