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July 13, 2012
Viruses May Be Causing Coral Bleaching and Decline Around the World

ScienceDaily (July 12, 2012) — Scientists have discovered two viruses that appear to infect the single-celled microalgae that reside in corals and are important for coral growth and health, and they say the viruses could play a role in the serious decline of coral ecosystems around the world. These viruses, including an RNA virus never […]

September 19, 2011
Assessment of Coral Health: Finding Causes and Formulating Mitigation Strategies.

By, Rudy Bonn, Reef Relief’s Director of Marine Projects On Wednesday, August 31st, I had the privilege to meet and dive with Dr. James Porter from the Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.  Dr. Porter was accompanied by Meridith Meyers, a PhD student who is doing her work on the genetics of […]

August 18, 2011
Human Pathogen Killing Corals in the Florida Keys

ScienceDaily (Aug. 17, 2011) — A research team from Rollins College in Florida and the University of Georgia has identified human sewage as the source of the coral-killing pathogen that causes white pox disease of Caribbean elkhorn coral. Once the most common coral in the Caribbean, elkhorn coral was listed for protection under the United […]

July 29, 2011
Geographic Analysis Offers New Insight Into Coral Disease Spread

ScienceDaily (July 28, 2011) — In the last 30 years, more than 90 percent of the reef-building coral responsible for maintaining major marine habitats and providing a natural barrier against hurricanes in the Caribbean has disappeared because of a disease of unknown origin. Now a University of Florida geographer and his colleagues applied Geographic Information […]