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October 24, 2014
Great Barrier Reef dredging could damage fish populations, says study

theguardian.com, Thursday 23 October 2014 00.47 EDT Fish populations could be significantly damaged by the dredging of seabed sediment, with new research finding that larvae development is hindered by murky water. The study, conducted at James Cook University, raises fresh concerns over dredging work to expand several ports located near the Great Barrier Reef. Researchers […]

Events  News 
July 13, 2011
Dredging plan gets public airing Wednesday

by SEAN KINNEYPosted – Wednesday, July 13, 2011 11:00 AM EDT  Environmental groups are turning to Facebook to raise awareness of dredging and impacts from larger cruise ship vessels in Key West Harbor. This comes in advance of Wednesday’s public workshop to discuss possible expansion of Key West’s shipping channel. The proposal calls for widening […]